Chapter one: I'm Waking Up I Feel it in My Bones

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  It was dark, why was it dark? You couldn't see anything at all. You wanted to call out but you didn't know who or what would answer back so you started walking, you felt beside you and felt walls close to you so you were walking down a hallway "Katlyn?" you snap your head up at the sound of your name "Hello?" you come to a stop to listen for the voice again, you felt the hairs on your neck rise on end when right beside you so close you could feel the heat from their breath come off someone whispered in your ear "Run..." not as a suggestion but as a warning. You don't think twice and shot off down the dark hallway leaving the voice hopefully behind you, you were running so fast the air that hit your lungs burned making it harder to breath with every step but you had to keep running, at least you thought so. You hit something hard in front of you making you fall flat to the ground knocked out.

You come to in darkness, you feel of your nose seeing it's busted and blood was dripping down your face. You get on your hands and knees to crawl but you hit something hard and smooth, then the same with the other three ways... you were in a box. Just then lights flash on blinding you for a moment until you adjusted to the new brightness of the room, you stand looking around to see it was a glass box "what do you want from me!" it was silent for a long time until finally the same voice says "To hear you scream."

    You suck in a deep breath of air jumping up screaming, you still didn't know where you are it was still so dark but this felt different. It actually felt like something and it certainly didn't feel good, you were sore like you had been hit by a truck. There was something all over you too making your clothes stick to you, and it smelled like rust. Just then the door slams open letting light into the very dark door, you scream covering your face like a wild animal but why? You felt different. You crawl to the corner to uselessly hide "Kat?" the voice sounded like something you hadn't heard in ages, it had roughness in it with much worry "Dean?" you go to look up but the light was too bright "Please... Please make it go away." Dean sees it was the light so he quickly closes the door making the room go dark again, he walks over to you very carefully not to scare you "Baby, it's me." That made you have a feeling of safety wash over you, his voice was a safety neat to you and you needed more of it "Dean." The tears started flowing "It's me- I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere." He pulls you in hugging you as tight as he could without breaking you, something in your stomach hurt when he did that making you gasp in pain "What, whats wrong?" he had tears in his eyes when he ask you "there- theres something on my stomach..." he leans down "I'm going to pick you up and take you to our room okay?" you nod as he lifts you up exiting the comfort of the dark room into the light of the bunker, you keep your eyes closed until he make it to the room laying you down then turning all the lights off but the desk lamp. "Okay let me see baby." You feel him lift your shirt up as you kept your eyes closed "it's just a small wound baby, doesn't even look like it hit anything serious."

He stitches it up as you lay there quietly "okay how about we get you in the shower?" you nod "no I- Dean what happen?" Dean stays silent for a minute until he finally says "how about we talk about it after you get cleaned up." You look in his eyes for the first time and they were blood shot with tears still streaming down his face "Kat I- I thought I lost you... I thought I lost you." He pulls you in hugging you again tight as before "don't do that to me again please."

You let Dean lead you to the shower room "do you need help or are you okay by yourself?" "I think I'm okay Dean thank you." you look at yourself in the mirror for the first time, there was dried blood all over your clothes "Dean... what?" you turn to him but he was gone leaving you alone in the shower room.

You turn the shower on letting the water warm as you got out of the blood stained clothes, as you shake your jacket off you feel a sharp pain near your left elbow. You pull your shirt over your head and see a bruise in the shape of a handprint above your elbow "What the hell..." as you finish getting undressed you find more and more bruises all over your body but none like the handprint.

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