Chapter 8

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     Its a Tuesday morning and I have to get up to go to class. the only good thing about going to class today is seeing Hunter. I haven't seen hik in so long and the way we ended things the last time we saw each other was not good. I really like Hunter. He is such a sweet and caring person. Plus, he is very attractive.

While getting ready for class in my bathroom, I take a minute to look at myself in the mirror and think about who could be out to kill me? Why me exactly? I slowly start to cry. I'm just so stressed with everything that's going on right now.

As I start walking to class, I see Hunter getting out if his car. I decide to walk up to him and see how he has been doing.

" Hey Hunter. Long time no see! How are you? I think we should talk about what's going on with us."

Hunter looks down at me with a grin on his face.

" Yeah I think so too Jayne. We have some unresolved feelings towards  eachother. Even with scratches on your face and broken bones, you still look as beautiful as always. How do you do that?"

I start blusing. "Oh stop Hunter. I look like crap."

Hunter starts to get closer to me. "You just don't see it do you? You're absolutely gorgeous Jayne. Look at this flawless soft skin you have." Hunter says while touching my face. " Oh and I can't forget about those soft lips of yours." He bends down and presses his lips against mine. Kissing Hunter just felt so right.

I pull away from him. "Oh you so know how to say the sweetest things to a girl Hunter. let's go to class before the Professor gets mad at us. Oh and by the way, we are going to starbucks after class to talk about our "unresolved" feelings toward each other."

Hunter grabs my hand and puts it in his. We start walking to class together. " Whatever you say beautiful."

* ok guys! again im so sorry it took me a couple of days to actually update! this update isn't very long at all but I just had to give you guys a little something to say sorry! next weekend, I will try my hardest to write a super long chapter for you guys! I have a week off for thanksgiving so I will have time to write! thanks for all of the comments and votes! please keep giving feedback! love all of my readers! bye- Brya

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