What the Sea Swallows

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"OH MY GOD! HELP! SOMEONE!" I scream, hoping someone will hear me and come save this guy from a fate that shouldn't be his own. I lost all the calm that I had, and with another wave I sunk beneath the waves, trying to kick towards the surface but knowing that I was to tired.
Its funny how peaceful it is when you've excepted the fact that your going to die.

Geneva's POV

I had a small break from my duties at the castle, so I was making all the use I could of it. I swear, that place was so crowded and stuffy that even the elders fled in fear after the first few hours of  it. Anyways, I had decided to take a swim seeing that there really wasn't much else to do when your the crown prince of the merpeople and are banned from land for a month. If you ask me, its a polite way for my father to ground me without the whole kingdom knowing that I had done something wrong.
Had to trust your king-to-be.

I was swimming along when I smell the scent of human blood tainting the salt water. Licking my lips I swam towards the spot only to see that a shark had already claimed dibs on the delicious meal, and while I was hungry I wasn't about to battle the shark for the meal. About to turn away I notice a figure sinking through the cloud of red, as if its a angel descending from the heavens.

I swam closer, my body on autopilot. It was a human. A male human. He was loosing his air fast and I watched as he lost his consciousness, the air bubble stream from his mouth ending. Out of no where I feel the need to save him, so I hook my arms under his armpits and swim towards the surface as fast as I can.

When I get to the top I look around for anything i could put him on top of so i could rest. I see a plank a ways away and lay him on that when I notice that he isn't breathing. I panic and do the first thing that I can think of: mouth to mouth.  Suddenly he starts to cough up the water that was in his lungs.

"Huh...? What just..?" he groans out, looking around with blurry eyes.

"Can you breath ok?" I ask this beautiful human hesitantly

"What..? Oh... I guess... pretty well.." He responded, gasping a little, but otherwise breathing was normal.

"Ok..." I respond to him, the shock of what I just did started to disappear. Oh wow. I'm going to be in so much trouble. Humans are food, not friends. You don't talk to them, much less save their lives! I thought about leaving him here but as quickly as the thought came into my head, something pushed it aside.

"Oh god... Oh god... We're both gunna die." He whimpers, starting to cry and looking around for anywhere to go to.

"Ah! N-no, we'll be fine! I can bring you back where I live-" Then I remembered that he couldn't breath underwater and that its highly illegal. "Um... Never mind, I think thats out of the question." I immediately start looking for a island or land anywhere near us, but I see nothing.

"Your place... Is probably to far away.. anyways..." He says with his teeth chattering and tears in his eyes. He's getting to cold.

I get closer to him, feeling the need to keep him warm and comfortable. I hesitantly put my arms around him, awkwardly holding him in my arms. I watch as his eyelids get heavier and his blinks start to take longer. Slowly, this beautiful creature falls asleep, cuddled close to me in my arms.

"Geneva! Your dads looking for you- who's that?" My best friend and the clans best tracker, Theadit asks, taking me by surprise.

"Ahh! How long have you been there?!" I cry out, turning around to look at him, nearly dropping the boy in the process.

"Only a few seconds." He teased me. "Anyways, who is he?"

"Ahhhh..." I tried stalling, but I know he would find out eventually so I let out a long sigh and answer his question. "A human. Please don't tell my father! I know that no one is supposed to do anything with them!" I told him quickly, begging him with my eyes.

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