Of course I care!

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Coz Yukim is adorable! :3

Coz Yukim is adorable! :3

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Yuko: *giggles* Hey Tiiim loooook whaaaat I goooooot!~

Tim(Masky): Take that off before you get sick...

Yuko: Pfffft, I'm not gonna get sick!

Tim(Masky): Okaaaaay....Don't say I didn't warn you...

*2 mins later*

Yuko: *grooaan*

Tim(Masky): ...you got sick, didn't you?

Yuko: *Nod*

Tim(Masky): *sigh*

Tim(Masky): *leans in* I told you so... *smirks*

Yuko: Shut up...*muttered*

Tim(Masky): *frowns to see her like this*

*some seconds later he brings a blanket and wraps her in it tightly close*

Yuko: So you do care...

Tim(Masky): *rolls eyes* Oh, shut up...of course I care.

*The End*

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