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So, I was tagged by: InM3ulin  

Thanks for tagging me! :3 in this tag I'm supposed to do this: Say 4 things I regret, feel awkward about, love, music and a random topic!

Here we go! 


1. Being too honest sometimes - I regret this because sometimes I don't realize how much I'm actually hurting people I care about with my own opinion and the way I deliver it, at the time, I don't exactly think about it.

2.Caring about some people - I have let my trust and heart fall into the hands of wrong people and now, I only have 1 true real life friend and about 4 online ones that are here on Wattpad and that I can feel good when talking to and feel as if I can talk everything with, thanks guys, you all know who you are :3 ( D34th_By_Mus1c , NepetaLeijon12345  ,  InM3ulin and xLxst_Mindx )

3. Trusting people - yet again, this is mainly the reason why I have trust issues, I've went through a lot in school.

4. Not taking the chance when it was given to me - I was given a lot of chances and I didn't take them, learn from my mistakes, if someone you like, something you want or anything that has to do with your dreams gives you a chance...take it! don't hesitate, no What-If's nothing, just do it


1. I used to actually real life roleplay Pokemon with my friends...I mean, it was a kindergarden and until 3rd grade...but still, looking back and imagining a kid shouting 'Pikachu' and having a trainer...err...yeaaahhhh.... ._.

2. I used to really really like cats and pretended I was one whenever I felt like it.

3. I slapped one of my ex-friends in 4th grade, got in trouble for it, the thing is that I don't even remember why I did that...but it sure is awkward whenever I think back to it. (no regrets tho, bitch deserved it xD )

4. I insisted to my teacher in 4th grade that I sit next to a guy that I had (and still have) in class simply so I could beat him up...At the time, I was rather excited about it but now...thinking about it... Oh god why? o-o


1. Teddy bears - this is the way to my childish heart, to every one of my birth days I invited this guy that always brought me a teddy bear, each fluffier than the other xD

2. South Park - I relate to a character really strongly here and it's my all time favourite show, made me laugh and made me cry! to those of you that haven't watched it, go watch it if you like offensive humour and awesome jokes ((sad it's gonna end, feels like I'm loosing a really dear childhood friend ;(  ))

3. Strategy games - an old love of mine, you may find me playing games such as World of Warcraft, Star Craft, Diablo , Heroes and Dota 2 cos...I'm a geek! I wear my glasses sincerely and my t-shirts ironically! (get where that reference is from? get a cookie ;3 )

4. Coffee - I know I shouldn't drink it but...I can't yo, it's the thing that balances me, ya know? the evil to my good xDD


1. Game Grumps remixes - Lately I've been feeling as if this is a sin...those remixes are damn good but I don't want anyone to know I'm listeni-....shiet... 

2. Heavy Metal - And I'm talking Metallica, a bit of Rammstein, Skillet, a bit of Disturbed, a bit of Slipknot, Heavy Metal holds a really special place in my heart! \m/

3.  Boyinaband - recently got into his stuff and loved them instantly, who knew I could like rap?

4. Trap, techno and instrumental - all things I'll be listening to when writing as they give me inspiration, so...here's a tip: if you're out of inspiration, listen to music, it works! :D 

4 random facts about me:

1. I tried to smoke for the first time about...a month ago. It was Camel from snatched my dad's box thingy packet of cigarettes, actually liked it. No, I'm not a smoker, but I am considering it. Feel free to judge xDD

2. I cried rivers when Kenny died in South Park, when he actually died and didn't come back for a whole season. Didn't shed a tear at movies like Titanic, Notebook and such...but damn that scene got me good.

3. I have a really burning dream of becoming a gameplay youtuber, been having it for 2 years now...hopefully It'll come true one day!

4. Coryxkenshin, EricVanWilderman, Jacksfilms, Cyr, Onision, Jontron, Caddicarus and TearOfGrace are all my favourite youtubers, check them out, I STRONGLY recommend them! ^-^

I tag:













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