entry #20

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User name: Driftingoceans
Name: Selma
Title of book: Demented Paint
Number of views: 2.97k
Number of votes: 526
Genre: mystery/thriller
Story summary: A killer is on the loose in the small town of Evergreen. Colton Ace. Hiding behind a black mask, the cold blooded murderer's face was never seen by anyone. At least not anyone alive. For it was believed, he showed his face to his victims right before the painful end. He was no ordinary killer; his twisted ways of murder gained him the fright of the whole town. His "dementing pleasure," as he called it, was painting. Might sound ordinary, his paintings may look breath taking, but that's all before you realize the red paint he so gracefully uses is his victims' blood.

Colton Ace, disguised as a trusted person for Serenity Grace, falls in love with her. His obsession over her destroys her slowly, making her life a living hell. Will she be able to escape his twisted plans? Who of her friends can she really trust? Who of friends could turn out to be a cold blooded killer?

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