Entry #2

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Username: Nate_L
Name: Nate
Title of book: The Hybrid
Number of views it has: 69
Number of votes it has: 17
Genre: fantasy
Story summary: Thirteen year old Aden is living a secret life, only he doesn't know. A strange lesson in school and two mysterious bumps on his back make him begin to question certain things. He talks with his parents and realizes he's a Hybrid. The Hybrids spend their lives keeping the world safe from raven-spawn. It's a tough life, and not one that Aden in sure he's up to. Then they get attacked and life begins a routine as he wakes up every morning, fights off raven-spawn, and goes back to sleep. Was he really built for this life?

This Hybrid book is full of action and war as Aden struggles to keep all mankind safe.


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