"Nobody except me." Drell said.

"Um..." Cherry shivered.

"Nobody except me..." Drell firmly reminded, leaning over her.

"Y-Y-Yes, sir..." Cherry gulped then.

"I won't this time." Drell said to Atticus.

"Good." Atticus said.

Drell nodded firmly.

"Okay, bye!" Cherry tried to push Drell away.

"Oh, so you don't want my help?" Drell raised an eyebrow. "Fine then, I'll just go."

"Oh, no, no, no..." Cherry panicked.

"Drell, please help us." Mo begged.

"Oh, I dunno..." Drell rubbed his knuckles against his chest and stared at his fingernails. "What's in it for me?" He soon felt himself being lifted up as he looked down and saw Atticus. "Hi."

Atticus glared with a slight growl.

Drell yawned as he looked to Atticus blankly. "Sup?"

Atticus soon tossed him around the ground like a rag doll.

"Ow." Drell droned.

Atticus then sat on his back and folded his arms. "Help us or I'll blast you off to the moon!"

"I go to the moon with Hilda every night." Drell purred.

"The dark side of the moon." Atticus smirked.

"Is that bad?" Drell pouted.

"There's no light at all on the dark side of the moon." Atticus said.

"You could freeze to death." Mo added in.

"Alright, alright, I'll help ya," Drell stood up and dusted himself clean. "But if we find any food, I get a 90% cut."

"50%." Atticus said.

"60%." Drell said then.

"50%!" Atticus yelled in Drell's face.

"70%!" Drell yelled back.

Atticus grabbed Drell's hand and jumped on the warlock's back.

"Okay, okay, 50%!" Drell gave in before grabbing Atticus and throwing him off to the ground with a smirk.

"You been working out?" Atticus asked.

"Kickboxing with Kixx." Drell smirked and flexed his arm.

"Hmm..." Atticus smirked which caused Drell to cover his mouth with widened eyes.

"I hate to cut this short, but I think we should find that experiment before Hawaii becomes the new Atlantis." Cherry said.

Drell nodded in silence. They soon rushed off.

"Come on... Um.... Cannonball?" Darla caleld for the experiment. "We won't hurt you."

"Yeah, we just want to help you find a place to stay!" Atticus called out.

"Guys, I think I found him..." Yuki looked up.

Everyone looked to where she was looking and Experiment 520 was sitting on a tree.

"Oh, no, what's he going to do?" Mo asked.

"I don't like the looks of that." Lilo said.

"Cherry, go up there and get him." Drell said.

"You know I can't climb trees." Cherry replied.

"Who said anything about climbing?" Drell grabbed her in his hand and threw her in the air to land in the tree beside Experiment 520.

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