The Burning Mask Ch.3

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***I hope you all enjoy!!***


6 years ago: 11 years old

“Stop it!” I said, hitting Derek over the head, playfully.

“It's funny though!” he said, a large smile on his face.

“No it isn't!” I said, patting my hair down self consciously.

“I can't believe you thought there was a spider in your hair!” He burst out laughing again.

“At least I'm not afraid of bees!” I said back, watching as the smile wiped off his face.

“Those things sting people,” he mumbled, crossing his arms and glaring at me.

“They're no way near as bad as spiders,” I said, grimacing as I thought back to when he told me there was one in my hair.

“Oh whatever,” he said, throwing himself down on the ground. I continued to glare at him until I spotted the spider that was crawling on the ground. I let out a scream and jumped to my feet, Derek laughing in the background. “I see you found the spider.”

“I hate you!” I said. He got to his feet, watching as the spider disappeared when it got near a tree.

“Admit it, you absolutely love me!” he said with a smirk.

“Oh shut up,” I mumbled pushing him away from me, a small smile appearing on my face. His smirk turned into a real smile as he looked at me and threw himself back onto the ground, dragging me down with him, both of us laughing.

“Is she okay?” I heard my mum ask faintly as I started to wake up from my dream.

“Yeah, she was just upset yesterday so I told her she should use dad's dream potion and it would help her sleep. She wasn't in the best mood when she came home.” I could hear Lydia say.

“Why? What happened?” my mum asked urgently.

“That's not my business to tell. If she doesn't want anyone to know, then I'm not going to tell everyone her business,” Lydia said back, attitude starting to slip into her voice. It was at times like these that I absolutely loved Lydia even if she got on my nerves at points.

“It's extremely important that you tell me Lydia. Something bad could be going on.”

“Then you should ask her because I'm not going to say anything,” she said, footsteps exiting the room. I heard a sigh before more footsteps headed out of the room.

Deciding that this was my chance, I opened my eyes, noticing that I had slept in the rest of the day yesterday and that it was now morning. Sighing, I pushed myself up and headed toward the bathroom. After showering and fixing my hair was that it hung down my back in long wavy curls, I wrapped a towel around me and walked back into my room.

“What the--?!” I hissed as I saw someone sitting on my bed. “What are you doing here Derek?” I asked, glancing toward the door.

“Don't even think about it,” Derek said, noticing that I was eying the door.

“I don't know what you're talking about,” I said innocently as I took a step toward the door.

“Considering you're wearing just a towel, it's probably not the best idea to try and make a break for it.” I glanced down, realizing that I was standing in front of him just in a towel, causing my face turn red.

I quickly turned and walked into my closet, grabbing something to put on. I threw on a mint colored, silk tie shirt that I tucked into a pair of white shorts that had a mint/yellow/black bird pattern on them. I grabbed a pair of yellow flats and gold, dangling earrings.

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