Chapter 1 .

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"Daehyun ?" I whispered.

"Daehyun where are you ? " i said this time with a louder voice.

"Daehyun ! " I repeat with a screaming voice now .

Oh no he can't hear me .

I started to feel exhausted as the waves pull me out of their way into the deep dark water .

" Daehyun don't leave me . " i said before draining in the cold water .

" Shira " a far voice said .

" Daehyun ? " i gasp .

" Wake up ! "

What ?

Slowly as i open my eyes, the very white lights cuts into my pupils as i fight for a clear image .

" Why do you always have to be that hard to wake up ?" a familiar voice growls .

Mom .

That was a really weird nightmare i mean , it used to be all about geant spiders or some random anaconda chasing me, and now this ?!

I lazily wiggle under the sheets and hiss at the cold contact of my feets on the concrete floor . This morning seems awkward as i head to the bathroom and see a bloodshot eyes and a swollen face .

Was i crying during my sleep ?

I quickly breath in and out and exit the bathroom to get ready for a whole new semester in high school .

I am 18 years old and yet, i have a different bit casual definition of life . Since i went to high school, i was welcomed by a bunch o random freaks and party girls who were just out of my league . And being the nerd and bossy girl i am, I struggled to make 'friends', i have two that they are good enough for me than some drunk teenage girl all hormonal and crazy .
Hirai which is my baby, childhood best friends . She's not as nerd as me but she still didn't stop making efforts to get good grades .
Okey just to not give wrong impressions, i am ranked first in high school and i admit that nothing impresses me includes subjects or school's life style .
It just happens to get good grades . I guess .
All i cared about since i can remember is surfing and writing . You can either find me tossing white pages on my desk with some novel on my lap which is not an 18 years old thing . Or find me in the beach with Hirai and my best friend Daehyun, surfing and tearing the stress away.
Another reason why i dispite studies is that they add some stress to the mix which is not much since my efforts are not huge but i hate to be stressed whatever .

A strong smell of pancakes hits me as i watch my thoughts fade away . I lazily grab my kaki skirt and my white plane shirt as i head to the drawer to grab my pair of high black socks . Only to find them literally no where, i checked the drawers, the closet and the wash bin in the bathroom .

" Mom ! I can t find that damn socks i've bought last time " i yelled down the hallway .

" You better find some other sucks to wear before i come and shove them down your throat, i can t believe you're late for the 4th time this week ."

She huffs from frustration and blubber words that i couldn't understand .

My relation with my mother changed pretty much, it is quit a positive evolution since my dad died .
I weren't that close to her until i relised the amount of emptiness that my father left behind him .

We were lost and unprotected .

And since that day, 4 years ago, i am only afraid of one thing, one single thing that could spill your life down the drain in one moment, the moment of consciousness. With all your dreams, inspirations and passion with it .

Death .

I finally gave up and picked the white socks, the casual ones . They are not really white now after many washing gel sessions.

" i will remember to wake you up minutes if not hours before so you can maybe make it on time ." My mum said while adjusting my tank .
Just like she always did to my dad's before he went to work .
Mom and dad were that kind of couples who left love sparkles wherever they went holding hands or looking at each other .
I used to see how much passion and compassion they held to each other, every day .
How much they respect and care for each other . How love wasn't enough to describe there relationship or enough to justify there actions toward each other.
They were blessed and pure .
I can only wish a similar relationship when i grow up minus the part where he leaves .

Mom held so much pain inside of her and tried to wash mine away so i can get to smile again . She never stopped trying and trying .
Our relationship today couldn't get any better since it s the most trustful relationship any teenage girl can have with her mother .

" I love you mom " i said before i can stop myself .

She sigh and interrupt me before i can justify the words that just came out of my mouth .

" Go straight to it " she said with fight-to-be-furious look .

" Ugh mom ! " i huff while rolling my eyes and turning my back to her and hearing her giggle .

" I might go out with Hirai and Dae after school " I finally broke the silence .

" And where is that " she said still looking at the pancakes on fire .

" To the beach of course, it s not like we're taking daehyun for some girls shopping ."

" Yeah sure ." Now she is not listening to me anymore .

As soon as the pancakes are on the island, it didn't take so long before the plate is already empty and i am heading to the front door just like everyday .

But i am certainly wrong .

A/N : YAY first chapter ! I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i did while writing it . Leave whatever comments you want and vote !

TakeME [ A Park Jimin FanFiction ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora