Chapter one - Neighbours

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It was a beautiful sunny day and well... I decided to go for a walk, it wasn't everyday I got out the house and because its the country side, there's a lot of scenery to take in. My name is Milly, I'm 20 years old, I live on my own but that's okay because you see I like the peace and quiet. This is the story about how I Ame to know and love a man called James Paul McCartney... heard of him? I'm sure you have,

it all started two years or so ago, my neighbor Mrs Highsmith had been taken to an old persons home, well... she was in her 90's. I missed having someone next door to talk to as I hung the washing out on a hit summers day, but I knew I would be getting one soon enough as many people visited the little flat next to mine.

I awoke one afternoon, I had been reading a book called " the little house on the prairie" and had obviously fallen asleep. It was when I heard a truck pull up outside that I knew someone was moving in. I got up and dived towards the window hoping to see the person that I would soon be living next to. absolutely no one was in sight. just a group of removal men.

They carried in a sofa, a little wooden coffee table and a television set, I won't go on but you can imagine the kind of things they where unloading and carrying into the house.

I'm not normally curious about the life outside my front door but friends are really important in my life.

Once the removal men had left, I went out into the garden to bring in the washing I had hung out earlier. As I looked over to the left I could see my neighbor. He was tall but then I'm small so he could just me regular height, he also had dark brown hair and was wearing what looked like a suit. From this moment I had just assumed he was a regular office worker who had just moved here after another job opportunity came up... how wrong was I... in the back of my mind I knew exactly who it was... it was Paul, James Paul bloody McCartney!! but of course it would have been impossible for him to live here.

( Omg I hope you like this haha, remember to vote and comment anything you'd like. Byeee )

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