14. Other side of hers....

Começar do início

I don't know why Arush is doing all this?? Stupid. I can't be with her. I can't tell anyone this.

I spoke to her like that so that she will leave soon. I want to hurt her so that she will not be hurt in future. I can't see her hurt. I even can't forgive her for what she did. But at the same time I can't hurt her. I don't know why. There is a battle in my mind about this.

That is when Dada came into my room.

" Viraj beta. Can I come in? " he asked.

" Dada come in. This is your house too. There is no need to ask for permission. U can come whenever u want to. " I said.

" Beta. Why are u so harsh to Aastha.?? " he asked.

" No i am not. " I said.

" U don't like her. " he asked. That is what I am not able to decide.

" No nothing like that. Why are u asking me that?? " I said.

" Because u were rude to her a while back. So. " he said.

" Nothing. It's just that I am not fine with the idea if us going out. " I said.

" Don't worry. Everything will be fine. " he said and left. I made sure about the security.

I came down. And saw Arush, Dada and Aastha laughing. As soon as they saw me they stopped.

We all sat in car. Dada sat in passenger seat. I made Arush settle down. And got in. Aastha came and sat with me. OMG. This is gonna be a long ride.

But as we reached, we are at exhibition. Why the hell are we here?? I asked the driver. He just looked at Arush.

" Don't shout at him. I told him to bring us here. " Arush said.

" Why?? " I asked.

" Because I love to be here. " he said. I glared at him.

" It will be so much fun here. " Aastha said jumping like a kid. How can I forget that.

We went in and roamed a little.

" Did we come here for this.?? " it'd not me. Arush asked this.

" Then what do u want to do.??  Go for rides. " I said. He nodded. I again gave him stern look.

" Why are glaring at me. I am not telling that I will go. I am asking u to go. " he said. I laughed at that.

" what??  Why will I go.??  And what will u get if I go?? " I said.

" Entertainment. I know  u are so scared of rides. " he said.

" what??  U are scared of rides. " Aastha said and started laughing.

" No I am not scared of rides. " i said.

" Aastha that's true he is scared of rides. " Arush said. I was fuming.

" Okay if u are not scared of rides prove that. " Aastha said.

" what??  How?? " I asked.

" Come to rides with me. " she said. 

" No way. " I said strongly.

" See u are scared. " she said.

" No. He is not scared. He will go with u. " Dada said. I had no option other than to go. I followed her. She stopped in front of giant wheel. What?? No way. To be Frank. Yes I am scared.

" No way that I am going to ride athat. " I said. She started laughing.

" We are going to this. Only this one. " saying this she dragged me. I failed to come out of her grip. A girl is dragging me. Ohh...

Soon we are sitting. She is so excited. And I am so scared. Soon it started. As it finished first round there is increase in speed. I am so scared. Soon I caught Aastha hand. She took it and hold it close to her heart. I can feel her heart beat. That is when I opened my eyes and looked at her. She is smiling at me.

" It's nothing, look out. It is a awesome experience. " she said. But I kept looking only at her. She shakes me to look out. I did as she said. It was really beautiful. I can see whole city. That was really awesome. For a while I forgot my fears. I enjoyed it fully. Soon it came to end. I became sad.

" Till now u were not ready to ride. Now u are so sad that it ended so soon. " she said sarcastically. I smiled at her words. While I was going she stopped me. I looked at her. She looked at our hands. I was still holding her hand. I left her hand and walked fast.

I saw Dada and Arush eating. I went to them and sat there.

" How was it? " he asked. I nodded saying OK.

Aastha joined us. We placed our orders. As our order came. We started eating. I kept silent, thinking about what I did there. Suddenly Aastha got up with her plate and walked away. As we saw she went to a boy sitting there. It is clear that he is so hungry. She gave him her food and came back. I smiled at that.

Soon few people came and started taking him. I got up. But she stopped me.

" Don't worry. I called them. They will take care of him. " she said. Great..

We went home after eating. I settled in my room and started thinking about the day. How she was?? How I was after many years.

Aastha POV:

I felt so happy seeing him like that. I have to make more efforts. Now I have hopes. It is evening and still everyone are in their rooms. So I thought I will make today's dinner. I went to the kitchen and started doing dinner. I thought I will do what aunty taught me long back. I did and called everyone to come down.

Everyone settled down and started eating.

" This tastes just like mom's. " bhai said. Thank God. They liked it.

" Aastha ma'am did it. " helper said. As soon as my name came out Viraj washed his hands and left without eating. I felt pain. I felt rejected. So I can never be with him.

I too left without eating.


How is this chap??

Why is he behaving like that??  What's bothering him??

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His WeaknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora