Wedding day!!!❤️

Beginne am Anfang

"Omfg our little girls growing up guys!!!" Freya says while wiping her eyes. Just letting you know I'm the youngest in the group and all my friends are like extra mums I have!
I start to cry as well "Shit I'm gonna ruin my make up!" I say laughing "Don't worry about that it's waterproof, I got u covered!" Rebecca says everyone laughs. " alright guys we need to get going the carriage is here!" Freya says looking at her phone.
"Carriage!" I shout everyone laughs "come on you!" Ella says and links with me while Freya picks the back of my dress up. I walk outside to see the most beautiful carriage ever and a limo as well.

"So Morgan me and you are riding in ten carriage and the rest of the girls are going in the limo!" Freya says I'm so happy she is my maid of honour she is really a honour to have as a friend! U both get in and make ur way to the church! Skipping t...

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"So Morgan me and you are riding in ten carriage and the rest of the girls are going in the limo!" Freya says I'm so happy she is my maid of honour she is really a honour to have as a friend! U both get in and make ur way to the church!
Skipping to church!
The carriage comes to a stop and I'm greeted by my parents who both started to cry and I'm greeted by Simons parents as well. I walk in the church and wait round the corner until I hear the music that's when I have to make the smallest but biggest step in my life! It's about to begin and in shaking so much the girls are trying to calm me down which isn't working. I just want Simon so bad!!! A few minutes later the music starts and all my friends walk in front of me with Simons niece as the flower girl and my nephew as the ring holder. And then it me and my dads turn I walk out and everyone stands up I smile at me and Simons friends and family and then look at the top of the aisle to see Simon he starts to cry and I just smile at him. My dads give me away to Simon and I grab his hand and the fear all goes away but before the priest says anything I wipe away Simons tears and turn back to the priest.
Skipping to the vows and I do's:
Simon places the ring at the tip of you finger "Simon would u like to says you vows" the priest says.
"Okay, I Simon minter promise to cherish and love you through sickness and health. Yes we will have are ups and downs but I promise to never leave ur side. I promise to love u until my last breath and to never stop taking care of you!" He then slips the ring on my finger and takes his and put it at the tip of his finger and start my vows
"I Morgan Shaw promise to love and care for you through everything. I shall never leave ur side. Yes as you said we will agree and disagree defiantly but that will never make me stop loving you. I promise to make sure to bring u only happiness and no sadness!" I then slip the ring on Simons finger and look into his blue eyes.
Simons POV:
"Finally do you Simon Edward Minter take Morgan Victoria Shaw to be ur lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do" I say
"Now do you Morgan Victoria Shaw take Simon Edward Minter to be ur lawfully wedded husband?
"I most definitely do" She says smiling.
"Well now by the power invested by me I now pronounce u husband and wife. U may now kiss ur bride!" I grab Morgan by the waist dip her a bit and crash my lips on hers she giggles and I hear everyone cheering. "Alright that's enough save it for later guys!" JJ shouts we pull away and laugh this time Morgan and I put the middle finger to JJ everyone laughs. I grab Morgan's hand in mine and walk down the aisle with her! We get outside and there's people congratulating us and we have a photographer who wants some pictures of me and my WIFE u don't know how good it is to say that word. My favourite was when I pick Morgan up and look deep into her eyes.

On the way to venue!

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On the way to venue!

Morgan's POV:The venue is absolutely beautiful I'm so happy me and Simon picked it

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Morgan's POV:
The venue is absolutely beautiful I'm so happy me and Simon picked it. We all sit down to eat and gosh can I just say how good the food was I'm sitting next to Simon and we our laughing and talking with our family members and friends after dinner we have our speeches.
First to speak was JJ who was Simons best man " Hello everybody, if u don't know who I I'm then I will say. I'm JJ and I'm Simons best man and hopefully best friend and I thought I start of tonight's speeches. So let's begin firstly I'd liked to say congratulations to Simon and Morgan and how happy I I'm for them. When I first met Morgan I knew she was going to make my best mate happy, and she has done that without a doubt. I just wanted to say I'm happy for you and I ship this better then EMON sorry Ethan!" Everyone laughs. Freya then goes up, then my mum, my new mum in law, my dad and then it is Simons go. "Hello everyone. Before I start my speech I wanted to say thank you all for coming and most importantly joining me and Morgan for our special day. Now where do I start with Morgan there is so much to say lets start with basics. She is my nerdy, crazy, funny, beautiful, amazing wife and probably one of my best friends as well. When ever I'm sad she is there to cheer me up in the weirdest ways but that's what I love most about her is that she is never down and she is my sunshine to my cloudy day. And I'm so happy I kicked that football out the park and it landed in front of the most beautiful and gorgeous person I've seen in my whole life!" At this Simon was crying and so was I gave him a kiss and hugged him!
"Now the speeches are over can we get this party started!" JJ shouts we all cheer and the Dj calls me and Simon down for out first dance which is "Take my hand - high school musical 3" we are dancing for a good 5-10 minutes mucking about the song ends and the real party starts!
The middle of the night still Morgan's POV:
I walk up to the dj and ask him to turn the music down as I have something to say. He passes me a mic and I stand in the middle of the dance floor " hi everyone I was wondering if I could get ur attention as I have something important to say. Firstly thank you all for coming today has been the best day of my life aa I got to spend it with all of you and most importantly Simon if I didn't meet Simon I don't know who I'd be. Simon would u mind joining me here quickly. " Simon jogs over and kisses my cheek and puts his hand around my waist. " So as I was saying I'm just so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with u, as we said in our vows early with have had our up and defiantly our downs if u didn't know a month or so ago I was pregnant. And I was in a car accident which lead to me and Simon to lose our baby, this accident nearly caused us to break up but we didn't which shows how strong our love is! And now I have some news for all of u I...I'm.. PREGNANT! " Simon looked at me shocked " really?" He said I nodded my head he picked me up and spun me around " WE HAVING A BABY!" He shouted everyone was cheering. I giggled and Simon put me down before kissing me passionately!

Miniminter love story ❤️❤️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt