Wedding day!!!❤️

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Morgan's POV:
So today is the day I have been waiting for to be officially Mrs Minter! I didn't get much sleep as it was the first night in forever without Simon sleeping next to me. And I was super excited let's hope today goes well! So it's currently 6:00am and the wedding is at 10:30am and all my friends who are my bridesmaids and Freya my maid of honour are arriving to help me get ready and to get ready themselves. It's gonna be hectic but ohh well😂 the girls all start doing there hair as their make up was already down. Once they do their hair they go get into the bridesmaids dresses which I'm super pleased about!!!

 Once they do their hair they go get into the bridesmaids dresses which I'm super pleased about!!!

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The girls all came out at once wearing there dresses. I was so pleased I started to cry they all came over to me "GROUP HUG!" Freya shouts I laugh and wipe my tears. "Now it's ur turn missy to get in that shower while us girls will pack your bag!" Freya says
"Frey what do u mean pack my back where I'm I going?" U say looking confused
"Aww Morgs I wish I could tell u but it's a surprise and I know u will love it!"
"I guess my surprise isn't the only one" You mumbled to yourself as you were announcing this surprise later! U get in the shower and wash ur hair, shave ur legs and other places and wash ur body with soap. U get out and put ur underwear on and dressing gown. And as soon as u walk out the door ur ushered to a chair where u see makeup, a hair brush, hair clips, ur veil and other stuff u didn't know what they were!😂 "Alright listen up girls we have 2 hours to get this gorgeous bride to be ready so everyone ur know ur stations get started!!" Freya shouts u laugh. Freya and Ella go to ur wardrobe and get a suitcase. Ur friends Shard and Nicole start on ur bird nest of hair and this random women starts on my makeup. " Excuse me hi do I know u?" I ask the women
"Ohh hi sorry forgot to introduce myself I'm Rebecca and I'm a makeup artist ur friends called to say if I could do ur makeup".
"Ohh okay!" U say so happy and u carry on talking to everyone telling where things are in ur room etc.
2 hours later!
"Okay we are all done now Morgan all u need to do is put ur dress on!" Nicole says smiling
"Guys I'm so scared what happens if he doesn't like it and what if I trip or I...."
"Morgan bubs calm down u will be fine!!" Shard says reassuring me.
"Okay be back!"
I go into my sitting room and see my dress hanging on the door I take it down and put it on and then walk into the room where the girls are and they all start crying!

 "Okay be back!" I go into my sitting room and see my dress hanging on the door I take it down and put it on and then walk into the room where the girls are and they all start crying!

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