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You were in the heat of the battle, destroying gems, not only for the Diamonds, but for your life. Left and right, you could hear war cries, blood curling screams, and multiple poofs from gems.

You held no sympathy for the gems that were on Earth, going against HomeWorld. What they did was wrong, idiotic even. Protecting such a simple planet was uncalled for.

Nevertheless, you kept fighting, using your [Gem Weapon], to its full extent, being sure to destroy every weak Crystal Clo- Gem you encountered.

Here and there, the Gems you destroyed seemed to have no leadership nor outstanding strength. It was like dismantling a bomb, metaphorically of course.

This got you wondering; where was the leader? The disgusting, pathetic Quartz? How dare such a capable soldier go against their duties, and make their own path. Every gem had a specific purpose, including you. So why would a Rose Quartz go against theirs? They were meant to be strong, capable soldiers, worthy to risk their gems, all for the Diamonds.

You scoffed, slashing/slicing your weapon through a purple gem, a Tanzanite. They weren't the sharpest tool in the box, including strength and intelligence. You wondered why they were even created. Looking around, you noticed not a lot of Crystal Gems were left.

You sighed a little, feeling bummed. The war had been going on for years, and not once had you seen the infamous Rose Quartz. Wandering around, you noticed the scenery around you. There were huge trees, higher than any Gem created. The grass was unbelievably green, healthy from the soil. There were a few logs here and there, but they were even a healthy brown hue. The wind blew a warm breeze, with the occasional bird singing. Now, this was comforting.

Too comforting.

There were no battle cries, no screams, nothing. Maybe you strayed out of the battle? You kept your weapon close, ready to kill whomever tried to attack you

Luckily, there were none.

You enjoyed the peaceful state you were in, taking an interest of the flowers flowing in the gentle breeze. Keeping your head up, you looked for anyone, anything, but there was nothing. It was starting to get a bit eerie. Surely you didn't go that far from the battle field, right?

Starting to grow anxious, you leaped into the sky, looking for any sign of war. But strangely...there was nothing. It startled you, where did you go?

Biting your bottom lip, you were beginning to hear a whirring noise as you started to land back on the soft grass. Looking into the sky, you noticed motherships and other smaller ones heading into the sky.

It couldn't be. No way in hell.

They couldn't be retreating. It hadn't even been that long!

Noticing the sky growing more white than blue, you felt dread within you. They wouldn't use that tactic. It was far too dangerous. Letting out a whimper, you ran back into the forest, eager to find cover. Noticing an empty log, you climbed inside, knowing how worthless the effort was. How would a stupid log would save you? How stupid were you!?

Cursing a little, you felt something going down your cheeks. Wiping it with your finger, it seemed to be a clear, see through liquid. Was it a tear? You never cried before. This was new. Sighing a little, you let fate take its' toll. If you were going to die, become corrupted, might as well without any shame.

And just like that, an indescribable, an extremely loud noise filled your ear drums, up to the point it felt like you were going insane. It was pointless to cover them, but you did anyway. You didn't bother opening your eyes, as you knew what would happen.

You would go blind. Yes, the lights would be so bright, it would make you literally blind.

You felt discomfort, you felt pain. You even felt anger and betrayal. All these emotions filled up inside you, even to breaking point. You wanted to scream, as the pain was a unbearable. You didn't want to corrupt. You had so much potential within you.

Yet you kept quiet, knowing if you dared to open up your mouth, toxic chemicals would fill your lungs, beginning the painful procedure of corrupting.

You didn't know how long this would last for, but prayed to the Diamonds that it would end soon. It felt like you were getting ripped apart, your mind getting whacked with a hammer. You felt more tears stream down your cheeks, before it evaporated from the painful radiation the Homeworld was radiating from their ships.

Damn them to hell! You thought, you cursed and you cursed in your brain, betrayed that they would leave a gem like you.

If they wanted it, so be it. What else did you have to live for? Definitely not love; hell, was that even real? Seemed like a drug gems would use to forget their troubles and despairs.

If the Diamonds and other countless gems wanted to corrupt you, so be it. Ready to open your mouth, and breath in the chemicals, become a disgusting mutant, something happened. The lights, the radiation, the noise, everything...stopped. Opening an eye, the blinding bright lights were gone, along with the noise.

You growled, they did that right when you were to ready to accept your fate. How could they!? You were trying to be a good soldier for crying out loud.

Oh ho ho. . . You thought. You clods will have a special place in hell..

Well well well! First chapter done and done! Know that the reader has been abandoned. What know? Oh my, so many ideas! Haha, but I already have the story I want. And trust me; it isnt pretty.

Enjoy the next chapter, readers! ^-^

Im not certain if this will be a loving story, along with fluff between the reader and Steven

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Im not certain if this will be a loving story, along with fluff between the reader and Steven. Not even sure it will be a happy kind of love. Maybe some angst, I dunno. Your just gonna have to wait.

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