Good Morning. (Sherlock Imagine)

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Mary groaned sleepily as she rolled over, reaching for his side of the bed. When she found it empty, she sighed heavily and stood, stretching, then headed out to the kitchen.

She and John had stayed the night at 221b to celebrate the end of a case, and to meet someone rather unusual. Sherlock's girlfriend. It had been a shock to both of them to learn that the socially inept detective had a relationship, and it was even stranger to see them together. Sherlock sat as close to her as he could, and smiled at her whenever she spoke, but quickly dropped it if he thought someone was looking. John had a theory that he just wanted to keep up the appearance of being a heartless asshole, which was rather hard to do when he was grinning like a fool at this bubbly, silly girl. How they'd fallen for each other was a complete mystery. Mary thought she might have doubted the reality of the relationship, thought it was part of a case or an experiment, if she hadn't seen it first hand.

She was so tired this morning that it wasn't until she turned to put the kettle on for tea that she noticed the strange couple on the couch. Asleep.

She couldn't recall ever having seen Sherlock sleep before, not counting being passed out on a drug high or in pain from being attacked on a case. But there he was, sprawled on the too-small couch with his feet sticking off of one end. He was snoring very quietly, and looked younger and more peaceful than she'd ever seen him. One arm was draped around the smaller girl who was curled up against his chest like a kitten.

"Surprising, isn't it?" Mary smiled as she turned to see John regarding the couple as well, a shopping bag on his arm.

"Is that why I woke up alone today?" she teased, pulling him in for a hug and a quick peck on the lips before returning to her tea-making.

"Well..." he muttered a little awkwardly, grinning, "I was going to wake you up to breakfast in bed...but we were out of milk."

Mary laughed and hugged him again. "It's the thought that counts. Thank you, John." He kissed her this time.

"John, Mary, do shut up," Sherlock muttered from the couch, "I wouldn't have let you stay here last night if I knew you were going to make this much racket in the morning." The girl groaned.

"Why am I awake, Sherlock?" The sleepy annoyance in her voice made Sherlock smile.

"Sorry, love, John's being an arse. You go back to sleep."

"I'm not used to having to be quiet so you can sleep, you know," John laughed. Sherlock flipped him off before rolling over, causing the girl to squeak as she was pulled along with him.

"I rather think she's been a good influence on him." Mary nodded approvingly. John couldn't argue with that, so instead just pulled down three more mugs for tea.

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