Shaving (SPN AU Drabble)

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"I'm not doing it."

"Yes you are."

"No. Give me one good reason."

"Dean will like it."

"...I don't understand why."

Dee laughed at the look of horror on Cassie's face as she held up the small pink razor and shaving cream. "I don't know either. It's just not sexy for chicks to be hairy." Cassie tilted her head in confusion. "But why not?"

Dee shrugged. "The patriarchy?" At another confused look, she just shook her head, chuckling, and handed the materials over to the frightened angel. "Look, I'm gonna let you do this on your own, okay? If you need me, shout, I'll be right down the hall. Oh," she added, half way out the door already, "And...try not to like, bleed all over everything, okay?" And with that she slammed the door shut, giggling madly as Cassie shrieked "Bleed?!"

Turning, she slammed hard into something that caught her as she fell back. "Whoa, Dee," Dean laughed, "Where's the fire?"

"Oh, I'm just getting out of Cassie's way," she grinned. Dean frowned. "Why? What's she doing?"


Dean burst out laughing. "Oh, that is priceless!" He sighed and leaned back against the wall, shaking his head and grinning widely. "You're never gonna believe what I've just been teaching Cas." It was Dee's turn to frown-or, well, half frown as she was still giggling a little.

Suddenly there was a grunt of pain from a few doors down, and Dee looked over worriedly. Cas's annoyed voice came floating down the hall. "I refuse to do this! I'm going to grow a beard!"

It was all Dee and Dean could do to keep from slumping onto the ground in fits of mirth.

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