Wordless. (Winchester Brothers Drabble)

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The times you liked best with the Winchesters, you decided, where the wordless ones. You liked riding in the backseat of the Impala in the middle of the night, drowsy and staring out the window, some old rock song playing softly, Sam asleep in the passenger's seat, snoring softly, Dean humming along to the song and tapping the wheel to the beat. You liked reading a book in a cheap motel room, Sam clicking away on his laptop and Dean snoring on one of the beds or singing off-key in the shower, while the drone of traffic went on monotonously outside. You liked wandering through the woods at night, leaves crunching under your feet, animals skittering, owls hooting, flashlights in hand, boys at your sides and guns cocked and aimed. You liked collapsing into a room or the Impala after a successful hunt, blood thick in the air, everyone panting, and Dean eventually laughing a little, after which Sam would join in, then you, and you'd all laugh until your lungs hurt. You liked curling into one of the boys' arms on a winter's night, staying still until you fell asleep there, and waking up tucked into a moderately comfortable motel bed.

But best of all, you liked those clear summer nights when Dean would park the Impala in an empty field, the three of you would crack open a few beers, and you could watch the boys smile up at the endless stars, looking, for just a few precious moments, like two normal, average, happy brothers.

Yes, the wordless times were often the ones that spoke to you the most.

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