"What did you want to talk about, Aad?" He was wearing a black jacket and jeans.

"I wanted to give you, your bithday gift." He took out a paper from his pocket.

"It's not much, but I wrote it on my own..Well forget it..It's just crap." He crumbles the paper.

"No, please tell me." I sit on the bench next to him.

"Ok, but please don't laugh at me. I'm not usually good at this." He uncrambles the paper and begins to read it.

You are my sunshine, my shadow, my love

You are my moonlight, my heart, my soul.

I nodd my head to tell him to continue.

Your smile lights up my day.

Your presence fills my life with gay.

Your thought gives me hope to go on,

Your kiss turns my night into dawn.

All the time, I wait for your call.

Cause your my princess, my barbie doll.

A tear escapes my eye.

You've stolen my  heart,

Your my missing piece of art.

Your the only one I want in sight.

And I'll love you with all my might.

So, here I stand in front of you.

To tell you, " I LOVE YOU!"

He looks at me waiting for a reply.

"I'm sorry if it was bad...I never should have wrote it..I'm" I shut him down by kissing him.

"It's beautiful...I love you."

"I love you too." I kiss him again.

"Wait, there's more." He takes me towards his car and opens the door.

"This is my gift for you." He  gives me a cage and when I look inside it, I find a small Beagle puppy dog.

"He's beautiful.." I rub his fur and he waggs his tail.

"What will you name him?" He asks me.

"I don't know..How about Aaddie?" I ask and he giggles.

"Aaddie, it is then." I sit on the passenger's seat next to him with the puppy on my lap.

"It's the best birthday gift ever." 

"Which one the poem or the puppy?" He jokes.

"Both!!" I giggle as Aaddie licks my hand.


I unlock my phone to see Amie's name on it. I pick up the call.

"Hey, what's up?" 

"Dar...Ryan broke up with me." What!

"How? why? when?" I have so many questions to ask.

"Can I come to your house for a sleepover tonight..Please." I hear her crying.

"Of course you can. Shall I call Tay too for the sleepover?"

"Ok, and thanks again Dar."

"That's why friends are for, Amie. See you at my house tonight." I close the call and look at Aad.

"What happened?" Aad asks me.

"Amie and Ryan broke up."

"What." Well even I was shocked at hearing it. Amie and Ryan were just perfect for each other.

"I don't know how or why.She's coming to my house for a sleepover tonight."

"Kay, Should I leave you at your house?"

"Yeah." Though I'm very happy about what happened today, I'm feeling very sad for Amie.

So how did you find the chap? Aad is so sweet!! But I feel so sad for Amie... The puppy which Aad gave Darcie is on your right------------------------>

Zayn and Perrie got a new cat named Prada!! It's so fluffy that I'm gonna die :) I'm so happy that Zayn got engaged to Perrie, they're so perfect for each other :}

Quote of the chap- Better be strong than pretty and useless.

Keep smiling guys :D

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