[10]Study-Date With Mr. Player(Edited)

Start from the beginning

“Oh yes, Matt and I are going on our study-date tomorrow!” she says smiling.

I want to say—Why tomorrow? Is he busy with some random chick tonight?  But I fight my instincts to control myself. “Oh, that’s cool!” and as soon as the words leave my mouth, the best idea ever strikes my brilliant mind. It is like one of those moments when the animated cartoon character is busy thinking and then suddenly the electric bulb over its head lights up.

“Hey, are you free tonight?” I ask her suddenly.

“Well yes, why?” She replies.

Then next it is all really easy. All I have to do is make mine and Dylan’s ‘study-date’ a group study-date. That means Matt and Tia are going to join us tonight. Matt seems a little…disappointed? Ha! If he thinks he can get her easily, then he’s wrong. This way I can keep an eye on Tia and I won’t have to be alone with Dylan.

So here I am now, waiting for Dylan. He is going to take me to Matt’s house. I glance at my cell phone to check the time. Dylan is late. I debate inwardly whether to call him or not, but decide against it. S good thing too since a second later Dylan’s black sports car arrives in front of my house. I run down the porch steps towards him and then take a seat in his car.

“Hi!” I am feeling kind of polite right now. I don’t know why. I just don’t want us to keep arguing with each other while we discuss our project. Though I have no idea what we are going to do for it. Hopefully Dylan here isn’t as clueless as I am.

“Did the Sun just rise in the west today, or are you actually being civil to me?” he teases.

All of a sudden my smile falls off my face and a scowl takes its place. “Fine then, if you always intend to ruin things it’s your choice, I won’t try being nice to you” Dylan looks at me for a mere second before he looks away.

“So, any ideas for the project?” he asks casually. I shake my head in refusal. “Well, that makes two of us, because I don’t have any ideas either” We both look at each other again for a second or two before we burst out laughing like lunatics. It feels amazing to laugh like this. I glance at him. His eyes are on me. His green eyes are twinkling and he looks really amazing while he laughs. He doesn’t look like his usual arrogant self; he looks different—a nice different. Suddenly we realize we both are looking straight at each other, as the laughter slowly fades away. It is like one of those sappy romantic scenes you see in a movie. It gets slightly awkward so we both quickly look away.

Before I know it we are in front of a large mansion, probably Matt’s house. It is huge! We get out of the car, and I spot Tia getting out from the other car. A couple of minutes later we all are settled down in the living room. We are busy eating snacks and talking among ourselves. “So does anyone have any ideas?” I ask. “I mean let’s get down to business now. We’re not here to have fun, right? It’s a study date after all. Where is the study part?”

“Oh c’mon Alex, don’t be a spoil the fun, just relax” Tia says. I try to protest but it doesn’t work.

“Here, have some cola.” Matt says handing us glasses. I refuse to drink, not really wanting to. The rest of them drink happily. There is some more talking and no studying. I should have figured out no studying would take place. I excuse myself and walk over to the window, taking in the cold wind blowing outside, the leaves of the trees rustling; birds of the night make peculiar noises. The moon is high up in the sky, as pale as ever, so beautiful.

I feel an arm come around my shoulder, and turn to see Dylan. For a change, he isn’t looking at me. His eyes are on the moon—his beautiful green eyes with a tint of blue.

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