Chapter 42: Fear Of The Cheerleaders

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"Ok so this is the cheer house. Where all the cheerleaders out of state stay if they don't have a place,"she informed as she insert the keys to the slot."I think they all came back from school."

Even greater. All her friends are here.

"Hey I'm home,"she shouted as she closed the door behind me.

"Hey girly,"a tall girl with black hair and bangs greeted.

"Oh this is Kelsey, Kelsey this is Mikey,"she introduced.

"Nice to meet you,"I said.

"Same here,"Kelsey said.

"Ok so Mikey and I are going to work on our project. Uh Mikey just go to the kitchen and I'll bring everything over there,"Savannah said.

"Sure,"I agreed as I head to where the kitchen was. I sat in one of the seats of the table and went on my phone.

Jason: how is it in Savannah's house?

Me: not in her house @ the cheer  house

Jason: dude dont die ok!

Me: I'll try, hopefully theyll like me after today :P gtg ttyl dude 

Jason: see ya and wish me luck cos im gonna try to talk to lita x(

Me: woah, well u should get all the luck in the world! 

I truly did wish my friend luck. This is Lita Sanchez we're talking about. The girl who when she was 12 who gave a 15 year old guy nightmares. He called us 'Gay Ass Homos' and she well, took it to the extreme. Mrs. Sanchez told us that she never really had friends that the 7 of us were her real friends. Yes us. Meaning me, Madison, Jason, Louis, Vinny, Thomas, and Nick. Sure she's went to Jersey before to see us for a short visit since we have became pretty close friends and met the other boyz, but the 8 of us had a bond no one really gets. I smiled sadly at the thought of my best friend. She was mad. What she said months ago about that Savannah wasn't embarrass to be around her like us, was wrong. Lita was one of our best friends for these past years, everytime we hung out we'd have to explain to fans on Twitter and when we met them when Li was with us that she was just one of our best friends. Lita was always the outgoing, fun, crazy one out of the 5 of us. Every moment with Lita was always fun and crazy.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Savannah's voice in the main room of the house.

"-I don't care guys! He's the same guy now. Sure his girlfriend is a bitch, but hey he's still my friend. Be nice or I will not jog today making us do more,"I heard Savannah threaten.

I tried to stifle in a laughter. It's really funny how they're so afraid of their cheer coach. But when Savannah first came here a day after her first practice she was practically limping.

"Sorry 'bout the wait,"Savannah apologized and came in with our project.

"No don't worry it's fine,"I reassured as I got out of my seat and helped her unload all the art supplies and laid them all out on the kitchen table.

"Hey Savannah,"a woman greeted as she came in the kitchen and rumaged through the refrigorator.

"Hi,"Savannah chirped.

"Class project?"she asked as she took out a bottle of apple juice.

"Yeah this is my partner Mikey,"Savannah informed.

The woman chuckled,"I know. On Awesomeness TV right? Savannah I know,"she chuckled before heading out.

"How does she know me?"I inquired.

Savannah blushed,"Uh Spikes, um, we're also on if you haven't remember."

Oh yeah. They have their own show. Come to think of it I should probably start watching it...

For the next hour or so we just worked on our project and just hung out. We fooled around of course and procrastinated but hey we did a lot. And it's not due till a week from now so I'd like to say we got half of it done.

"So how are things with you and Anthony going?"I wondered.

"Um good. Just a little awkward, he is my second boyfriend like ever."

I widened my eyes,"I was your first?"

She laughed,"yeah. Ok so I've never played spin the bottle, or suffer through 7 Minutes in Heaven. Yes you were my first boyfriend. I actually broke all the rules I've made for me."

I couldn't help but smile,"oh really?"

"Yeah. Then again public school is so different from what I'm use to. Ok since we have some free time I better change for practice so I won't have to later. Be back."

"Alright, take your time."

I couldn't stop but thinking on how weird Hollie was acting at first...

So finally updated this :)

Much Love Guys.



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