Chapter Twelve: "Home"

Start from the beginning

"But, Mabel?" Dipper asked quietly, a worried expression on his face.

"She's already waiting," The bluenette said, smiling and taking both of Dipper's hands in his own. He had a sly grin on his face, and Bill could feel the jealousy burn through his veins. "There's absolutely nothing to lose. No reason to be afraid."

"No more...demons..." Dipper said, unsure of himself.

"Just the four of us," William assured, gripping Dipper's hands. He smiled brightly, trying to convince Dipper that he was right. "No more Gideon. No more deals. No more devils, demons, or any other monster that plagues Gravity Falls."

Bill tried to speak, to tell Dipper that William was surely lying, but his voice didn't seem to work.

Dipper nodded slowly, closing his eyes.

"Then, I accept your offer, William Cipher. My soul and my vessel are yours."

No, this can't be happening, Bill thought. I own your soul, and you can't take it from me.

Still, despite all he'd done, Dipper collapsed into William's arms. A blue cloud arose from his limp body, something that every demon knew: a soul. Bill tried to get up, though he was restrained.

William smiled, stroking the brunette's hair gently.

"It's a deal."

Then, William faded, Dipper falling to the floor. The blue cloud materialized into what appeared to be a crystal dagger, falling next to the brunette. After what felt like an eternity, Dipper gasped and sat up.

Bill could see his eyes change. They went from a rich chestnut color to the baby blue that Bill was beginning to hate. His mouth slowly curved into a grin, and he let out a shrill laugh. Picking up the dagger, he walked over to the infamous lever, pulling it with unnecessary force.

Dipper- or William- gripped the dagger tightly as the portal jumped to life. The loud hum of the machine broke the bitter silence, and it was almost ear-shattering. The show that the machine put on was amusing to the possessed boy, but he soon lost interest.

"You know, I'm sorry for this, and he is too." Dipper said, sighing as he twirled the crystal weapon between his fingers.

Bill watched fearfully, trying to muster up any magic he had, but there was none left. The boy took the knife, examining it carefully.

"The spell to open the portal completely requires me to spill the blood of a demon," He sighed, lifting the blade. He hummed softly, as if this were some minor task or chore that he'd done every morning. "Hold still."

"My heart, is my armor..." He sang softly, raising the blade above his head. "He's the tear in my heart, he's a carver. He's a butcher with a smile, cut me father..."

In the blink of an eye, Bill felt the terrible pain in his chest.

"Than I've ever been.."


"You fell asleep in my car, I drove the whole time.."

Morning light poured in, shaking the blonde from his nightmares. He felt himself moving, the familiar feeling of leather seats brushing against his skin almost welcoming.

"But that's okay, I'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine..."

Dipper's voice echoed through the vehicle, soothing Bill's anxiety. He opened his eyes, catching the glimpse of a brunette in the front seat, singing as he drove. Bill felt the pain in his chest, but he must've been asleep for a while, since most of the pain was gone.

"'re awake," He looked back, his now blue eyes gentle. Dipper was in control of not only the car, but the vessel at the moment. "You told me that your "Nightmare Realm" was just that; a nightmare. You lied to me... but we're here now. We're home."

He smiled sweetly, his gaze focused back on the road. Bill looked out of the window, glimpsing serene forests surrounding the road, seemingly stretching for miles.

He was home.

Home, though this time with Dipper, the one he loved.

Even if his lover was possessed and his soul lost.

Home, where it all began.

But he just imagined, for a moment, that none of it were bad. Just for a moment, he forgot about William, about this realm, about Gideon, about being stabbed, and about being a demon. He imagined that he was in the backseat, watching the boy he loved drive the car down some path they both knew, and they were the last ones. He imagined that no one existed but the two of them, that they were the last two lovers alive, that nothing else mattered but each other.

Bill closed his eyes, sighing happily at the thought as Dipper drove him back to what he considered hell.


So that's the end!



There will be a book two!

I know that this left off at a cliffhanger kinda, and a lot of things weren't explained, which is why there's going to be a book two. Although it may be a while before it's released, since I don't have any ideas for it and I'd like to start having an update schedule for this.

Stay tuned for updates! :>

Thanks for reading!


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