Chapter Two: Caution

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"You have to think about what your doing John. Just stop this madness."
"Look I did what I had to." I explained as I slowly moved towards him. "Just put down the gun."
John Smith started to move back and tripped and fell off the roof into the Z's. He screamed for mercy but he very well knew himself. No-one could help him.
I could tell that Mr Smith was suspicious. He was just sketchy. Who would say "Meet me at 6pm. We need to talk." To a stranger?

I was getting overwhelmed when it started to thunder and lightening. I had to get home. But I felt like I was being watched.... Being followed....... It just brushed over me at the time but I think about it now and I now know it wasn't just a 'feeling'.

I returned home and as I pulled open the door to go into the house from the roof I was stabbed from behind.
Then, a man, about 6.2 foot tall ran inside. He ran straight for the door. I screamed "RAIDER!!!" But he wasn't stealing from us. He was trying to kill us. I pulled myself up with all my might and ran downstairs.
"Collect supplies. QUICKLY!!!"
"What's going on Nate?" Asked Uncle Harrison.
"We are being overrun. Mom, Clara. Get down to the bunker and take Sam with you. Dad, Harrison. Try to hold the biters off with me."
BANG!!!!BANG!!!!BANG!!!!BANG!!!!! The sounds of gun shots pierced my eardrums. We held off the walkers as best as we could but it was no use. There was to many of them. That crazy man got in, got all the undead in the house and suicided. Obviously he was trying to kill me for this mess but he could've killed my sister. She still has a life in this hell hole. I can't believe she will grow up in this horrible world. We all got down to the bunker to get away from the dead. I was last in and I slammed the door shut tightening the strong, steel locks. I patched myself up and gave myself some painkillers.
"You best keep that clean. You don't want it to get infected." My mom told me and she's right. If I get an infection during this hell on earth, it will be dangerous for me.
I collected my best research from the bunker and put it in my backpack. I don't think we will be staying here in D.C for much longer. It's getting to dangerous for us and I did promise myself I would keep my family safe.

We were down in the bunker for about 2 and a half hours until the door gave in. We escaped through the emergency hatch and got to our reinforced jeep. We drove away from our house and didn't look back. We didn't know where to go. Our city was overrun, we couldn't stay there. Everyone was okay but my little sister was terrified. I let her lie on my shoulder and go to sleep. We collected the remaining supplies in our house they will last us a few more weeks. We drove for a few hours until we got to the highway. We looked back one more time and then drove and drove and drove........

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