Alpha May I?

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I woke up to my older brother angrily bannging and yelling.

"Riley get up you fat B*tch!" He yelled.

Mathew kicked my door down and I whimpered.

Matt stormed over to me and grabbed my short blonde hair.

"When I tell you to open the door and make me breakfast I meant it." He snarled dragging me out my room by my hair. I tried not to cry out.

My green eyes watered and Matt draged me down the stairs to the livingroom. What a horrible way to wake up on your birthday.

But my family didn't care. My pack didn't care. I tried not to hate them but sometimes i hate all these dumb mother f*ckers with a passion.

I only had 1 true friend. His name was Kyle. He was Alpha of a different pack. A small but deadly pack.

He was the only person that understood me. I always cried and confided in him when I couldn't my own family.

His packs motto was: 'People's Bull Sh*t and fakeness are the main reasons why we get revenge.'

It's been jammed into my head since I first met him at 13.

I loved Kyle. His mate betrayed him and he killed her. It pained him to do so but it was in self defense.

I screamed when Matt through me into the wall in the livingroom.

I opened my eyes to meet a pair of beautiful blue ones.

<Mate> my wolf whispered.

Wtf? Lucas could not be my mate. He was the cruelest of them all. His eyes shone in laughter. My mate was laughing at my pain.

I was suddenly shaking in anger. My Sister Heather climbed onto his lap and kissed him hard. He didn't jerk away or tell her to get off he just tonged her down in front of me.

I couldn't help but snarl as the rage overtook my body. I was suddenly in a crouching position ready to attack my sister.

"Why?" I asked. My voice was hardly my own. It was full of hate, rage, and pain.

"I don't have a mate. And neither does she." Lucas said smirking.

"I'm your mate!" I screached.

"Why would I want a fat ugly B*tch like you?" He said. My sister laughed and kissed along his jaw.

I snarled angrily before storming out of the house. I could hear my famil practically dying of laughter.

I didn't realise how much I hated them until that moment.

I kept running until I was too tired to run anymore. I heard a twig snap and looked around me. I was surrounded by at least 10 wolves. The largest a gray and white wolf with pretty dark blue eyes.

The wolf went behind a tree and came back the sexiest man i've ever seen.

He had gray/blue/green eyes, dark hair, and a body to die for.

"Hey your Riley." He said walking up to me. He sniffed me and smiled.

"It's me. Kyle." He said smiling. I stared at him numbly until I remembered I had a picture of him in my phone. I quickly compaired the two.

"KYLE!" I sqealed throwing myself into him. I heard wolves snarling.

"Guys chill. She's my best friend." He said hugging me tighter.

The snarling stoped.

"That's better." Kyle said before kissing me. I was so shocked I didn'trespond imediately.

Kyle slipped his tongue into my mouth and turned us away from his pack. He placed me back down when I felt a sharp pain on my wrist. Kyle layed me down on the soft full grass.

I gasped in pain.

"Dammit he's mating with her. Rile look at me. I have to bite you and make you apart of my pack. It's the only way to make the pain go away."He said just as i felt another arrow of pain down my spine. I screamed in aggony. Kyle's pack was instantly by us. An adoreable white cub with brown spots began to lick my face.

I shook my head at the cub and screamed as more pain came.

"PLEASE!!!" I begged. Black spots started to cover my vision.

"Okay." KYle replied taking hold of my wrist. He kissed it before he sank his teeth into my skin. I screamed again before the blackness became to much and i passed out.


I put Riley on my back and we ran back to our pack house. Riley was officialy a member of our pack now. I smiled happily. In my eyes Riley was perfect.






Yup she was everything I want my Alpha female to be. I knew in a way we were connected. Both of our mates were sefish bastards.

I hated her family for what they put her through.

Riley suddenly gasped and i looked to see little Tommy watching her by the door. Then to my surprise he practilly ran to Riley's bedside.

"Hi i'm Tommy. Will you be my new mommy?" He asked her. His 3 year old self wathced her with amazement and already love in his eyes.

"Not now Tommy." I told him trying to be stern. He pouted at me and then turned his attention back to Riley.

"Please??I'll be a good boy. I promise." He said.

"Oh alright." Riley said opening her arms for him. He leapted into her arms and cuddled against her chest.

I shook my head and sighed.

"Can I sleep wif woo." He said yawning.

"Sure little man." Riley said rubbing his back.

"Ugh whatever." I said. I climbed onto the bed behind Riley and wrapping my arms around her I finally had someone to sleep with.

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