Gone Forever=^.^=

Start from the beginning

"What's your name?" I asked wanting to know whether or not if this guy was faking or not before saying anything.

"Katsuhiko Ayabito." He replied and I nodded recognizing the name quickly. "You most likely know my story. I'm here because I thought you guys could use a hand with the 'filthy bloodsuckers' as I believe you and Kiryu call them. Haha."

Just a little bit.

Bad Meko.

Okay. Okay.

"So you wanna see the headmaster about admission?" I asked professionally.

"Yeah now quit being so formal with me okay?" Katsuhiko said.

"Okay then you got some form of a nickname 'cause Katsuhiko is too long foe meh?" I asked putting Black Rose away but pulled her back out when Kuran showed up, Katsuhiko pulling out a katana.

"Oh so scary. Who's your friend Mrs. Disciplinary Committee?" Kuran asked.

"Fuck off Kuran." I said.

"I don't care if we're friends or not, Meko Aratami, you will respect the vampires above you." Hanabusa said freezing my legs.

"If you damned vampires get any closer to Meko your all dead. I'm still a Hunter and no matter if we just broke up or not she's my mate and that can't be changed so back the fuck up Kuran." Zero finally decides to show up.

"Took ya long enough." I mumbled.

"What's going on here?!" The Bitch finally jumped down ruining the mood.

" Nothing that concerns you. You would just get in the way, Yuki." I said the leaned over to Katsuhiko and whispered. "If you can't tell yet I hate her because she's a useless bitch."

He cackled making me smile.

"Would you like to say that again, Mrs. Disciplinary Committee?" Kuran asked.

"Yeah, why not, Mr. Fifty Foot Pole Up His Ass? (from another story) Yuki Cross *whispers* probably Kuran*louder* is a useless bitch."

"Can I speak with Meko and Yuki alone?" He asked.

"Sure I'll fight you Mr. Kuran. Right after I kick the asses of the girls behind the tree over there." I said and glared in the direction of the girls. "Back to your dorms or else!" I exclaimed with a dark threatening aura around me smirking when they scream and run off. "Ah, scaring fan girls is my favorite hobby you know."

"Well then maybe we can do it together sometime, eh?" Katsuhiko asked. "Oh and just call me Hiko or perhaps Mr. Disciplinary Committee?"

I blushed so bad my face disappeared. "Shut up Hiko I'm not Mrs. Disciplinary Committee and Zero over there already has the privilege of being called Mr. Disciplinary Committee."

"It's more like a curse." Zero said walking away.

"Aww Zee you're gonna miss all the fun." I said and he stopped dead in his tracks and that's when I realized what I did wrong. "Oh shit sorry Zero! Zero? Zero!! Shit shit shit shit!! This bad!"

"I don't see what his problem was." Hiko said.

"That's because only two people have ever called him Zee. That's me and.... Ichiru- his dead brother." I shed a tear saying Ichi's name. It killed me and I could feel Zero's pain at the name.



"Hanabusa let me go now. I'll apologize to the vampire later but right now Zero needs me." I said.

My Vampire Knight (A Zero Kiryu Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now