Intro of Riddles

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You will read a chapter.

After finishing it, you will comment the correct answer and I will post the winner. ( first to guess )

You can be rewarded with either a follow or I will read your stories. ( if you have some )

- Do not look at the answer and return to previous page. ( No prizes😜 )
- Do not look for answers on the Internet.
- No bad words on commenting.
- Enjoy reading/laughing.

The next chapter of this will be : Riddle 1. You will read it ( think outside the box. )

Then if you give up and really want to know the answer, go to next page. ( Just reminding no prizes when answering when you already know it from the Internet or the next page with answer. )

The next page of Riddle 1 would be Answer 1 and Riddle 2. The pages will continue accordingly.

The riddles can be found on riddle games or even the Internet.

Kind of Riddles :
- What am I?
- Logics.
- Why? Questions.
- How? Questions.

Riddles are fun questions that anyone can enjoy, just think outside the box.

Some riddles may be confusing.

Oh and if there is no posted winner, it means no one got the answer yet OR I haven't put the winner yet.

Some words don't mean the literal meaning that can make you (just) guess the answer.
Good luck thinking!! 😜

Riddles Cover made by @MrWitty.

Maker of previous story : Hugot Lines💔

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