The Birthday Party

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Erik pov-

I awaited Madame Giry to bring back Elena in our usual meeting place. "DADDY!"I hear Elena yell. I see her running towards me with her arms wide open. I picked her up and spun her around before placing her on my hip. "I missed you, daddy," she said. I smiled at Elena. "I missed you too angel." I hear someone clear there throat. I looked up to see Giry with a worrisome look on her face. "May I speak with you?"she asked. I nodded and set Elena down. "Elena, I set a new dress out for you on your bed for you to wear to your birthday. I want you to go get ready for your party."I told her. She nodded and left to put on her dress. "What is it?"I ask. "Christine is here," she tells me. I tense. "That's not the only thing I have to tell you though." I look at her puzzled. "She and Elena met. The good thing though, is that they both don't know that Christine is Elena's mother and that Elena is Christine's daughter," she tells me. "She is my daughter, NOT Christine's."I clarify putting the emphasis on 'my' and 'not'. It's true though. I'm the one who changed her diapers. I'm the one who has fed her. I'm the one who put a roof over her head. I'm the one who put clothes on her back. I'm the one who has shown her that she is loved very much. Do I want Elena to know about her mother and to one day meet her? Of course I do. But as far as I am concerned, I am her only parent. Am I overreacting? Maybe a little, but it's true. "What are you going to do?"Giry asked. "As far as right now goes, I have no idea. But, there is something you could do." "Anything." "If you see Christine heading towards Elena's birthday, send her the other way. I don't think right now is the appropriate time for them to meet."I inform her. She nods. "I will. I'll see you in a few minutes at Elena's party. Everything is already set up."she tells me then leaves. "Daddy help!"I hear Elena yell. I run to her room. When I get there, I see she had put her dress on completely wrong. She has her right arm coming through where her head should me, her left arm going through the hole where her right arm should be, and her head attempting to come out the hole where her left arm should be. I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Daddy? I'm scared!"she says completely terrified. I try to hold back my laughter as I go to help her. Once I get the dress on her the right way, I heard her gasp as she pulled her head through and laughed. I laughed along with her. "Thanks, daddy," she said. "You're welcome angel. Now come on, it's time for your party."I tell her. She squeals and starts jumping up and down. I laugh and pick her up.

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