Five years later

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(When Elena says 'Grandma Florence' she's referencing Madame Giry. I didn't know her real name so I just picked Florence.)

5 years later


Over the past five years, I had worked on building a place called Phantasma and once it was built, Elena and I moved there along with Meg and Madame Giry. Today marks my little angels 5th birthday. She's become so beautiful. She still has my golden eyes and my lips, but she has her mother's long curly dark hair and her laugh. How I miss my Christine. "Daddy, what will we do for my birthday?"I heard my angel ask. I picked her up and sat her in my hip. "Well what do you want to do?"I ask back. "I want a BIG cake!" She uses her small hand to show me how big she wants her cake to be. "What else?"I ask while taking her into her room so I can get her dressed. "I want it at Phantasma!" she exclaims. "Okay and who do you want to invite?"I ask as I set her on the ground so I can pick out her outfit. I pick out a light short sleeved pink pink dress with white ruffles. "I want to invite Auntie Meg, Grandma Florence, and everyone else who works there," she says. I smirk as I walk over to her. I place the dress on her. "Am I invited?"I ask playfully. "Of course daddy," she says seriously as she placed her tiny hands on my shoulders. I laugh as I pick her up and spin her around the room. She laughs as well as I do so. I love her laugh. I stopped spinning her and kissed her cheek. She reached for my mask and took it off. She kissed my deformed cheek and smiled as she held my mask in her hand. "Daddy, I no like when you wear it," she says sadly and throws the mask down as hard as she can. She crosses her arms acting mad. "I know Elena, but today I have too." She leaned her head on my shoulder and pouted. Then I got an idea. "How about I will wear the mask until after your birthday party and then you and I will spend the whole weekend together and I won't wear the mask that whole time. How does that sound?" She perks her head up and smiles. "Okay. Pinky promise?" she asks sticking her pinky finger in the air. I wrap my pinky finger around hers. "Pinky promise,"I say. She laughs once more. I set her down on the ground as I pick up my mask and put it on. I saw her smile had faded and that she was thinking. I took her hand in mine and we walked into our living room. I set her on my couch and asked her what she was thinking about. "Mommy," she answered looking down. I tensed as I sat next to her and sat her on my lap. "What do you want to know about her?" I felt her look up at me. "What was her name? Was she pretty?" she asked. "Her name was Christine Daáe. And she was beautiful, just like you."I answered her. "D-did she love me?" she asked. I put my hand on her cheek and wiped away a tear that was threatening to come down. "Of course she did,"I answered. "Then why isn't she here wif us?" I tensed up again. How was I going to explain to a five-year-old that she was left on my doorstep after a one-night stand I had with her mother? "It's too much to explain to someone your age my darling. But I promise I will explain it to you when you're older." She nodded and hopped off of my lap. "Is it time for my party yet?" "No, not yet Elena. We still have 2 hours to go."I said. She flopped back onto the couch. "But I can't wait that long!" she groaned. I laughed at her actions. She never failed to make me laugh. "Well, you're going to have too. Now let's get you to your grandmother."I say taking her hand in mine.

Christine pov (yay!)-

The boat ride has been anything but unpleasant. Of course, there were some rough patches, but they weren't rough to the point where I couldn't sleep through them. I heard someone knock on my door. "Christine it's time!"I heard Raoul shout. I didn't care to respond. We haven't spoken much since he took my child from me when she was born. I didn't even get to hold her, let alone see her. The midwife told me that the baby was a girl and then he took her. How I hated him for it. I would leave if I ever got the chance. He's had someone watching me 24/7. He knows I am unhappy with him, so why try and keep me trapped here. I got up from the bed and got ready. As I walked out the door, I walked past Raoul as he tried to speak to me. I felt him grab my wrist roughly and I could smell the alcohol all over him. So he's either drunk or he's just getting over a hangover. I snatched my wrist from his grasp and continued to walk ahead. I saw my friend Elizabeth ahead and we greeted each other. She's the conductor's wife. "Hello, Elizabeth."I greet her. She smiled brightly. "Hello, Christine. How are you?" she asked. "I'm fine. And you?"I asked back. "I'm great. How are you and Raoul?" she asks solemnly. She knows that Raoul and I have been having troubles for years. The only thing she doesn't know about is the event that led to us having troubles. We continued to talk as we exited the boat with Raoul not far behind. He started to get angry about how Mr. Hemistein wasn't here to greet us. I didn't mind it much. I thought that this was an excellent chance to explore the resort. "I need a drink."I heard Raoul mutter as he went to look for a bar. "I want to go explore. Would you like to come too?"I ask Elizabeth. "I'm sorry but I can't. Alexander wishes to have me back as soon as possible." I nod sadly and we go our separate ways. I took in the beauty of everything around me. After about an hour of walking around, I felt a tug on my dress. I look down to see a very beautiful little girl. "Excuse me? I can't find my grandma. Can you help me?" she asks. "Of course I can. Come on. I'll take you to find her."I tell her kindly. I felt a sense of familiarity with this little girl. "What's your name?" she asks me. "My name is Christine De'Chagny. What's yours?"I ask her. "My name is Elena," she said.  "Madame are you alright?" she asked. I looked down at her. "Of course I am,"I answer her as we continue to walk again. "There she is!" the girl exclaims and lets go of my hand. "GRANDMA!" she yells. She runs towards the woman who I immediately recognize as Madame Giry. "Elena there you are," she says with relief as she picks up Elena. "Where were you?" she says putting her hands on Elena's shoulders.

Madame Giry pov-

"Where have you been?"I ask Elena worriedly as I put my hands on her shoulders. "You were later so I went looking for you. But then I got lost and I found this lady and she helped me."Elena explained. "Well, where is she?"I asked. "She's right there," Elena says as she points towards a woman I recognize very well. Christine. My eyes widened. "Elena I want you to go to your Aunt Meg alright? She's right in there."I tell her. She nods and walks off. I look up at Christine and smile. We walked towards each other and hugged. "What are you doing here?" we asked each other at the same time. "You first,"I say politely. "Alright. I got an offer from a Mr. Hemistein to perform at the opening of his new Manhattan Opera House. My hotel is in Coney Island and I thought I might explore. What are you doing here?" "I work here. I manage the performers."I explained. "That's great. Congratulations," she says. "And congratulations to you as well." "Thank you," she says. I nod. Then I remembered that it was almost time to get Elena back to Erik. "I'm so sorry, but it's time I have to get Elena back to her father." Christine nodded and I turned to leave. How was I going to explain to Erik that she was back and had met Elena?

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