Cars and Tornados

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A/N:  okay today I basically had my life flash before my eyes because I almost crashed into a car on the highway so that traumatized me. Luckily my mom didn't crash and since it was raining so the person who almost crashed must've swirled out of control. And now
I'm on the road and there's a tornado heading towards the area where driving near, so if I die just know I'm sorry I couldn't live my life longer. But that time won't come yet because I think we're heading towards Wal-Mart for shelter. Lol! So I don't think my family and I will die...which I'm happy that at least why can buy food while there's a freaking storm outside. This may scar me for life and I'll publish that one shot today if possible but I think I need to chill and get over this experience first, I'm sorry.

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