Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"I told you-you're dead."

Right now I don't know which I'd rather Kyle do to me: burp in my face or force me to smell his armpits. The smell of a burp last only a couple seconds, but body odor...

"Kyle, GET OFF!" I screech. The only way I can defend myself from him is slapping his arms and stomach. Maybe I should add a fist. I curl my hands into a rounded fist and thrust it into his stomach.

He starts coughing and moans in pain. "Ow! Shit, Claire!"

"Well, get off me and you won't get punched."

My dad is sitting on the couch while I am getting interrogated by Kyle, smiling. Sometimes he roots for Kyle or I to win. He knows we won't seriously injure the other. Fighting physically is how we settle our arguments or just because we want to mess with the other.

"Claire, you should be on the wrestling team," Dad piped up.

"Yeah," I agree with Dad. "I'd kick some of their butts! Including Mr. Kyle's over here."

Kyle sticks out his tongue and I kick his leg. "I hope you don't care, Mom, but I invited a couple guys over tonight to hang out."

"Are they staying the night?" she curiously asks.

"Most likely," he answers, grabbing the chocolate chips. What is it with him and chocolate chips? "I hope you have pancake mix and a lot of popcorn."

"We've got plenty." My mom tosses him the popcorn bag. "Who's all coming?"

Kyle smirks and raises his eyebrows. "We..."

"You did not!" I yell. That little shit. It better not be Andrew. "If one of them is Andrew, I'm going to stab you a hundred times in the stomach."

My dad frowns. "I'm okay with you two fighting but not making death threats."

I roll my eyes. "Kyle, I hate you. I really do hate you. Since I can't kill you, I'm going to kill him."

"Why do hate him so much?" Kyle asks. "He's freaking hilarious and a nice person."

Are we talking the same Andrew? "He's not nice. He's an ignorant jerk that just uses girls."

Our doorbell rings all through the house. Kyle smirks again, earning a deep frown from him. "COME IN!" he screams and crosses his arms.

The annoying sound of teenage boys erupts our house. Hopefully something happened to Andrew and he can't make it. Or if nothing has happened yet, I could arrange something. Unfortunately, he's here, smirking as he walks in. Collin Ferrell and Randy Schulz walk in behind him. Boys are lucky enough that they only need a drawstring as an overnight bag.

"Hello, boys." Mom smiles at all of them. I have my arms crossed at my chest and my eyes are narrowed at Andrew. He's still smirking. "We've got popcorn and more food downstairs. Kyle, there's plenty of pop downstairs for you guys."

I don't want to be around them at all. They're probably just going to talk about disgusting things and then laugh whenever I whine about it. I walk out of the kitchen, almost wiping out because of Andrew's extended leg, and run down the stairs. Maybe I can get some pop and a snack before they consume it all. After all, this is my house, too.

The TV is on and I stop in my tracks to see what's on. The Ellen Degeneres Show is on with guest star Channing Tatum. He's not on long, but long enough for drool to start falling off my chin. Long enough for me to get a good look at him, as if pictures aren't enough.

"Claire, you better not have taken the last Mountain Dew or I will kill you!" Kyle shouts. All four of their footsteps are making the house shake. I look down at the pop in my hands.

50 Shades Of Garfield (Andrew Garfield Fanfic) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now