Chapter 10

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Natasha made it back to the tower before John did, luckily. She hopped in the elevator and pressed the button for the Avengers meeting floor. When the doors slid open, she was surprised to see everyone already there.

"Natasha! There you are!" Steve exclaimed. Natasha made her way to her seat, looking around to see S.H.I.E.L.D. files pulled up in holograms. Her eyes widened when she saw who the files were on.

"Quick! Pull those down!" Natasha shouted. Tony looked confused, but did as she said. seconds later, the elevator doors opened and John walked out.

"Hey guys." He greeted. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing. Just discussing the rising crime rates in the city." Natasha replied nonchalantly.

"Oh. Do I really need to be here, then?" John asked. Natasha looked at Steve and shook her head slightly.

"No." Steve shook his head.

"OK then." John walked back in to the elevator. Once the doors slid closed, Natasha turned back to everyone.

"So, what was happening before I walked in here?" Natasha asked.

"I just pulled these up a second before you walked in." Tony replied, pulling the files back up.

"So, as I was going to say, Nick wanted us to take a look at these. They have no pictures, and only a little bit of information. They started with small nuisances, like jumping lines at amusement parks, then up-scaled to stealing small things from shops like chips, and have just recently bumped up to robbing banks. And they did this all without being seen once." Steve explained.

"Do they have a name?" Lily asked.

"All we have are the code names. One is The Invisible Man, and the other, who seems to be the leader, is The Hypenotist." Steve answered. When Lily heard these names, she gasped.

No, she thought. It can't be. Why would they move here so suddenly, and here out of all places?

Logan noticed how tense Lily had become and laid a hand on Lily's arm. "They're the reason Lily and I came here." He said.

"I can give you all the information you need about them." Lily whispered in a small voice.

"Then we need it." Steve took out a piece of paper and pen.


"The Invisible Man is Caleb Covert. The Hypenotist is Aaron Mystery."

"Documented citizenship?"


"Place of birth?"

"Somewhere near the center of Ontario."


"Caleb is maybe 4.11, while Aaron is slightly shorter."


"Caleb is maybe 120, while Aaron is maybe 110."


"Caleb's would be short and sandy, while Aaron's is slightly longer and a dark brown."




"Caleb's would be hazel, and Aaron's are brown."


"English, some French."

"Identifiable Markings?"

"Aaron has a small scar on his left knee."


"Caleb's parents are are Joseph and Josephine Covert, and Aaron's parents are Carol and José Mystery, and his little brother and sister are Lucas and Taylor Mystery."


"I don't really know. All I know is that even though they don't seem smart, they are actually really smart."

"One last thing." Steve said. "Date of birth?"

Lily took a deep breath. "Caleb is December 18, 2004, and Aaron is August 9, 2004." She replied.

"They're kids?" Clint breathed. Lily nodded. Everyone in the room except Lily, Logan, Noklar, and Natasha were shocked.

"Just so you guys know," Natasha began. "Aaron is controlling John."

Lily's eyes widened. Just as she was about to say something, a hologram fizzled to existence. A child's face appeared on screen.

"Hello, Avengers." The child smiled evilly.

"Aaron! Caleb! You two are in so much trouble!" Lily shouted.

"Are we?" Aaron sneered.

At that moment, everyone in the room could hear a sound coming from a few floors up. Everyone rushed to the elevator.

"JARVIS! Get us up to that floor now!" Tony yelled and the elevator car shot up. When the elevator doors opened, everyone could see the large, gaping hole in the wall. John stood by the hole, suit and mask on.

John disappeared and reappeared with one hand holding on to a child - Aaron - and one hand wrapped around something invisible - Caleb.

"John?" Kyle's eyes widened. Yes, he had heard what Natasha said downstairs, but he didn't believe her. But now he had seen it with his own eyes.

"It's Corvo." John pulled out his knife and charged.

At that second, Caleb and Aaron charged forward.

Everyone got in their battle stances.

Steve grabbed his shield which was laying close by, Tony called his suit to him and hovered in the air, Natasha pulled out one of her many knives, Thor called Mjölnir, Clint grabbed a gun off Natasha since his bow was in his room, Bruce hopped over the counter and crouched down since he didn't want the Hulk to come out, Logan unsheathed his blades, Kyle formed some plasma, Noklar formed a portal in one hand, pulled out a whistle with the other, and hovered in the air, and Lily grabbed the hilt from it's holder, pressing the button for the sword.

And with that, they ran forward.

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