Chapter 4

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Lily was down in her lab working on some new bombs for Maddie to use. All of a sudden, the tube she put the chemicals in started glowing.

"Maddie? Logan? Get down here!" She yelled, backing away.

The two other people that lived in the house burst through the basement and raced down the stairs.

"Lily! Are you OK? What's wrong?" Maddie asked.

"Look out!" Lily yelled as the tube expanded.

Then Blackberry jumped up on the table next to the tube.

And it exploded.


As the smoke cleared, Lily saw her cat sitting on the table, completely unharmed, apart from the fact the she had a look on her face that seemed to say 'WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED'.

"Blackberry?" Lily approached the black cat cautiously, her hand outstretched.

All Blackberry did was jump down from the table and rub herself against Logan's legs.

"Well then." Logan said, before they all burst out laughing. Luckily, Lily had been smart and was experimenting in a separate room, so nothing was damaged.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~

Lily and Logan grew very close, Logan becoming almost like an older brother to Lily. They became nearly inseparable.

Maddie saw this. She came to the conclusion that it was better for Lily if she left. She would have someone stable watching over her, someone that wasn't called out every other day, someone that cared for her very much.

So Maddie left.

After she made sure Lily and Logan were asleep, she gathered her things. As she walked away from the house where she had lived for the past three years, she looked back one last time. Sadness flooded through her as she remembered all the happy memories she had with Lily.

When she first found Lily, back when she was just a sad kid who had just lost her family. The first time Lily helped her cook. When Lily graduated elementary school, then high school, then university. Maddie still didn't understand how that was quite possible. When Lily first got hired as a scientist. When Lily invented her first thing. When Lily accidentally blew up half the basement.

All good memories.

And now she was leaving them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~

Lily stretched as the early morning light streamed through her window. She reached down the the end of her bed and patted Blackberry, before throwing off her covers and getting out of bed.

She walked down to the kitchen, wondering why she couldn't smell breakfast. Was Maddie not up yet?

As Lily entered the kitchen, she saw a piece of paper lying on the table. She picked it up.

After she had read it through, she put it back on the table and ran up to Logan's room, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She knocked on Logan's door.

Logan opened it, about to ask Lily what she was doing. He stopped when he saw tears Lily's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Logan asked, concerned.

Lily just grabbed his hand and led him downstairs to the kitchen. Lily then picked up the note and handed it to Logan. He read it, his eyes widening.

Dear Lily and Logan,

I'm so sorry, but I have to leave. It's for your safety. Believe me, I would stay if I could, but with my line of work, It's too dangerous. You could be killed, or worse. These past two years with you have been great, Lily. I will never forget the memories we have made together. Finding you that day in the forest was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Please don't forget me, as I won't forget you.

Logan, take care of her. I've seen the way you act around her. You've only known each other for a few weeks, but you both act like you've known each other for years. You act like the brother she lost at 10 years old. Stay with her, protect her, care for her. Love her, Howlett.

Now, don't think this is the last that you'll be hearing from me. I'm sure we'll see each other around, right?



P.S.: I'm pretty sure that the people coming after me know where this place is, so it's probably best if you found a different place to live. I've heard that I probably will be working in New York for the next while?

Logan put down the note, tears barely visible in his eyes. He looked down at Lily, a forlorn look on her face.

"What are we going to do now?" She asked, no longer looking like the kid who graduated university at 12, invented many things, and practically took care of herself. Instead, she looked like a 12 year old girl who just lost her best friend.

"I don't know." Logan whispered. "But one thing is for sure; we need to get out of this house, like Maddie told us."

"Where are we going to go?" Lily asked.

Logan thought for a moment before answering. "Well, Maddie said she was working in New York, right?"

When Lily nodded, he smiled.

"I think I know a place where we can stay."

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