Chapter 6

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"Oh." Logan muttered as Lily finished her story.

"Anyway," Noklar began. "What are you doing in Manhattan, Lily?"

Lily looked at the ground sadly. "Remember Maddie?" She asked. When Noklar nodded, she continued. "Well, she believed that it would be safer for me if she left me with Logan here, who has become like a brother to me. She also told us that it would be better if we left the house, because some people that might want to kill her might know where the house is. Logan then said that he knew a place where we could maybe stay, so we packed up and left. And now here we are." She finished.

"I'm so sorry." Noklar said, placing his his hand on Lily's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

Lily nodded, sniffing.

"As for you," Noklar addressed Logan. "You better take care of her. She is one of my closest friends."

Logan nodded. "I will."

Everyone stood in awkward silence for a few minutes until Lily broke the silence.

"So... where is that place you were talking about, Logan?" She asked.

"Right over there." Logan said as he pointed at a very tall building that stood above the rest.

Lily's jaw dropped as she read what was on the side of the building. "We get to stay at Avengers tower!?!?!?!" She half screamed.

Logan chuckled and nodded.

The next few minutes consisted of Lily jumping, squealing, and the two males looking at each other strangely.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~

 Lily, Logan, and Noklar arrived at Avengers tower at approximately 1:00 pm. They entered the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor.

"I am sorry. You can not go there. That floor is reserved for the Avengers only." A strange robotic voice rang out through the elevator.

"It's OK, JARVIS. It's me, Logan Howlett." Logan said to seemingly thin air.

"Well, it that case, welcome back Mister Howlett. May I ask who the other two are?" JARVIS asked.

"This is my friend, Lily Everlast. And this is her friend, Noklar Darkstrike." Logan answered.

"Welcome, Miss Everlast. Master Stark is impressed with your work. And welcome, Prince Noklar. My searches tell me you are a prince. Is that correct?" JARVIS questioned.

Noklar nodded. "Yes it is." He replied.

At that moment, the elevator doors opened with a ding to reveal six pairs of eyes staring at the trio.

"Hey, Stark." Logan said, stepping out of the elevator.

"Hey, Howlett." A short man with brown hair and brown eyes replied.

Lily looked around the room, taking in her surroundings.

"Who are these people?" The man-Stark?-asked.

"My name is Lily. Lily Everlast. I'm guessing that you're Tony Stark?" Lily answered.

"Wait." Tony said. "First of all, yes, I am Tony Stark. And second of all, you're Lily Everlast? THE Lily Everlast? The one who graduated university before she was 12? The one who has invented multiple things, including invisibility spray and a chip capable of hypnotizing people? And the one who is the youngest scientist ever?"

Lily blushed a little and nodded.

"Wow." Was the only thing Tony could say.

"And my name is Noklar. Noklar Darkstrike." Noklar said.

"I've heard about you." A red-headed woman began. "Aren't you a prince or something?"

"Yes, I am." Noklar affirmed.

The redhead acknowledged it with a grunt.

"Well, now that we know who you are, I think it's time you learn who we are." A very tall, very buff man said. He had short blond hair and blue eyes.

"My name is Steve Rogers, or Captain America." He explained.

"My name is Clint Barton, or Hawkeye." A man with short dirty blonde hair and blue eyes contributed.

"My name is Natasha Romanoff, or Black Widow." A woman with shoulder length red hair added.

"My name is Bruce Banner, or The Hulk." A man with short black hair and brown eyes said.

"And I am Thor, son of Odin, and Prince of Asgard." A tall man with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes boomed.

"I didn't know there was another Prince of anything other than humans here on Earth." Noklar admitted.

Thor smiled. "Come," he began. "Let us talk about princely things."

"Finally, someone I can do that with without looking like a complete idiot." Noklar sighed.

Lily smiled as her friend walked of with the other man, already talking about who knows what.

"So, Logan, what brings you to my humble home?" Tony asked.

"Well," Logan began. "I met Lily a few weeks ago, and she let me stay in her house. Now, being a 12 year old, she needed someone to look after her. There was this woman you might have heard of, her name was Black Jack?" After getting a few nods from around the room, Logan continued. "Well, she was looking after Lily for a while. She knew with her line of work, it would be safer for Lily if she left her with me. So she did. And she also told us that some people who might want to kill her might know where the house is, so it would be better if we left. I was wondering if we could stay with you guys?" Logan asked.

The other five adults in the room looked at each other for a while before answering.

"Who would we be if we threw you out? Of course you can stay."

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