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(After a few weeks of texting)

harry: hey!
Louis: hi
Harry: wanna hear a knock knock joke?
Louis: no
Harry: whyyyyyy
Louis: because i said no
Harry: but whyyyyyy
Louis: fine.
Harry: yay. Ok so knock knock
Louis: it's open
Harry: Heyyyy
Louis: sorry
Harry: knock knock
Louis: your not gonna give up are u?
Harry: nope
Louis: fine. Who's there?
Harry: a cow goes
Louis: a cow goes who?
Harry: no. A cow goes moo 😂😂 LLN
Louis: u made me smile and wtf does LLN mean?
Harry: it means Laugh Like Niall
Louis: ur friend Niall?
Harry: yeah. He has the best laugh ever!
(Niall's laugh is everything)
Louis: well I'm gonna have to hear it, to agree
Harry: well he is here with me now. So just give me a sec
Louis: sure
Harry: *recording attached*
Louis: ok i agree. I love his laugh 😂
Harry: see i told u
Louis: lets play 20 questions
Harry: ok. First question   Eye colour? Green
Louis: blue. Im gonna ask a bunch.  fave animal? Fave food? Age? Sexuality?   Mines   Dog, carrots, gay
Harry: cat, tacos, gay also
Louis: great now i don't have to worry about u accepting me 😂
Harry: I suppose 😂
Louis: i gtg work awaits me. Ttyl!
Harry: Byeeeeee

Hey guys I'm hoping to have finished editing all my chapters by Christmas so that i can start making new updates or make a new story, I'll need you guys to comment and let me know if it's better and if you actually want me to keep updating!

All the love!

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