The Future- The Cleo Edition

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So, your probably expecting me to be building some cool machine to blow up the world. Nope. I'm building a cool machine not to blow up the world, but to please Sunshine. (A/N what should Leo's gift be? Please suggest!)
She's been grumpy lately and I can't seem to figure out why. I didn't forget our marriage anniversary did I? Oh gods, I hope not.
"REPAIR BOY!!! GET DOWN HERE, WE'RE GOING TO EAT LUNCH!" Piper screamed into the garage. Yeah, my repair boy nickname sort of stuck.
"IM COMING!!!" I shouted and ran out the door.
"Really Leo." Calypso asked. I looked at my greasy hands and remembered black smudged face. I chuckled and hid my hands behind my back. Jason and Piper were having lunch at our place, and I couldn't seem to get my manners straight. I sat down and it looked like Piper had made a meal the size of a buffet. Any kind of food you could think of was on the table, and if it wasn't, Piper would make it for you. Naturally I had a burger and some fries, then a pound of ice cream. I wish that I could have had more, but Calypso eat the rest of it. In fact, she ate almost everything. Maybe she was just hangry the whole time. I looked at Jiper, who ate almost nothing at all.
"Well." I said awkwardly."TIME TO GET TO THE GARAGE!" I ran back through the door and paused. This could be the perfect chance to do some quality eavesdropping. I stuck my head to the door.
"Thanks Calypso. We should get home now." "Yeah, yeah. Sure. I'll tell Leo you said thanks." Man, people were boring.
Jason seemed to go out the door but Piper stayed for one more minute. "Don't worry, I wouldn't tell anyone." She muttered. Wait WHAT? Was she keeping secrets from me??!! And, WHATS THE SECRET?? I need answers. Gotta sneak out somehow. I walked out into the living room.
"Hey sunshine, gotta go nice to see you love your dress where are my keys oh over here okay thanks bye your the best!!!" I said in lightning speed. "Wait, what did you say?" She asked, but I was already out the door. Okay, okay. Must get to their house. But where do they live? OH MY GODS MORE PUZZLES. I failed a number on my demigod phone I made and paused."Heyo! Where do you live again." The person on the phone seemed to pause
"Uuuh. Who is this?" I groaned. "OH MY GODS YOUR NO HELP!" And I hung up. Oh wait! They lived next door! Silly me, I was already across town. I made a very illegal U-turn and sped through traffic. (Thanks mist!) I quickly made it to their house and rung their door bell, once. Twice. Twelve times.
"Hello?" Hazel answered."Hi Hazel. Where's Frank I need someone who can be 100%, frank, with me." I laughed and Hazel sighed. "He's with Nico at a mythomagic convention. He's been waiting for this for like, months." I groaned.
"And where is this Mythomagic convention?" I asked
"At Central Park, across town." She answered, still confused. I smiled and ran to the car. Hazel was still at the door when I was on the road, 70 miles an hour. Okay, okay. Central Park is- UGGG TRAFFIC!! I WILL HAVE THE GODS DESTROY YOU!!!! I thought angrily. I turned around and quickly drove home to pick up Festas. 30 seconds later I was flying over NY and probably freaking out everyone who isn't blind. I was over Central Park in a matter of seconds, and was landing Festas in an alleyway. "FFFFFFRRRRRAAAAANNNNKKKKK!!!!!!" I screamed "I CAN FIND YOU THROUGH ALL THESE NEEEERRRDDDSS!!" Now that I think about it, I was probably not making any friends right now. A muscular man- boy was shyly sitting at a table next to a dark skinny recluse.
"FRANK!! OVER HERE!! ITS LEO FROM CAMP!! YOU KNOW ME!!!" Frank just hid his face in his hand of cards. I tapped him on the shoulder a dozen times. He finally turned around and rolled his eyes.
"What's your problem. I'm in the middle of a game here!" He shouted. I just pulled him to Festas in the alley and started explaining. "Anyway, I need to talk to you okay?" He mumbled something but eventually hopped on.
"I hate flying." He let me start up Festas and fly to my place. We casually parked on the lawn and I remembered.
"Oh gods, I forgot about Calypso! We can't let her see us." I dragged him into the back yard and sat us down. I began to explain to him all the weird stuff going on with Calypso. He looked confused.
"Gods, Leo. That sounds like how Hazel was acting before we had Amber." My eyes widened and my mouth hung open.
"You don't mean." He nodded and quietly walked down the street back to his convention. My head slowly turned to Calypso's window. Man, don't you wish you could have the awesome power to pass out at your will. This is one of those moments where I need that. I slowly walked inside, grabbed a glass of water, and sat down. Calypso walked down stairs.
"Oh Leo, you're already here. I need to tell you something." She sat down on the couch and gestured me to come over. I gulped and looked at her and she smiled.
"Hey sunshine." I asked. "Yeah Leo?" I winced.
"LEO GET BACK HERE YOU CHICKEN!!!" She yelled and made a sorry attempt to run. Ha, she will never catch me. Especially if I go back to Central Park and hid somewhere in a crowd. A shadow lurked over my head and I looked up. Oh gods, sunshine was riding Festas and laughing hysterically. That was my job! I kept running

Thanks for reading this future chapter everyone! I'm so exited to publish it, and for you to read it! I honestly never even thought I'd get two views! The next chapter will continue Cleo, but mostly be about Jiper. Hope that makes you exited, oh and, HAPPY BACK TO SCHOOL!! Okay, that's it for now!

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