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'omg he's so cute. How can he be so perfect?' you questioned yourself as you sat, bored, in class. You could hear his voice behind you. You listened to his words. He only talked about his job and the upcoming exams but you were still excited to listen.

This person was your current crush. He won you over with a heartwarming speech in the beginning of the year and he is currently still holding the number one place in your heart.

He was kind, gentle, and very generous, always treating his hoobaes out to eat. The fact that he was extremely good looking just added to the list of 'reasons to like'. Of course these qualities never go unnoticed which is why half of the girls in your school were in the same position as you. There were even rumors about him not being single. "Does that matter though?", you said to yourself. "Nope! I'll take what I can get", you answered yourself, sounding really crazy.

You smiled to your dumb-self as the bell rang for lunch. As you were about to leave, you received a slight tap on the shoulder, followed by an "excuse me" from behind. You stood frozen for a second, recognizing the voice, almost immediately. You slowly turned around to see none other than Taemin! Your crush! Your heart skipped a beat, seeing him so close.
"Y...yes?", you managed to choke out.
"Uh yeah does this belong to you?", Taemin asked, holding up a gold iPhone 5s.
"Yes, it does! Where did you find it?", you asked, a little panicked.

"You left it in class!", he answered handing the phone back to you.
"The teacher thought it was mine...since the lock screen was a picture of me", Taemin added, scratching the back of his head.
You could feel your cheeks burning up out of embarrassment. 'World why do you hate me?!', you thought to yourself. You were stalking him on Instagram and thought of making one of the pictures your lock-screen just for fun but your actions came back to bite you in the neck.

"Is...is there something you want to tell me?", he asked, cheekily, flashing a sweet smile and leaning down to your level.

"...H-how did you know it was mine?", you asked.
"I didn't. I was planning on asking everyone. So since you sat right in front of me, I decided to ask you, first!", he answered.
"Oh- okay", you said, as you scurried off to lunch, ignoring his voice telling you to stop.

During lunch, you tried to avoid Taemin as much as possible. He finally found you, though. "Yah!", he said, jumping out in front of you.
"Answer my question...pervert", Taemin said, with a smug.
"Ugh! I'm not a pervert, I swear! I'm sorry if you found that offensive. I'll change it right now and I'll delete your pictures from my phone too-", you were cut off by Taemin's lips crashing into yours. The kiss lasted 6 seconds and it was awkward on your part because your eyes were open.

He broke the kiss and said, in a low voice, "I never said I didn't want my pictures in your phone. As long as it's not some other guy your obsessed with...you can keep my pictures on your phone. ONLY mines". Taemin walked away after dialing his number from your phone and saving your phone number into his contacts.

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