Vampires will forever hurt you. </3

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This Is a new story Idea I Just came up with, so Im just writing as I think. I might turn it into a MCR fan Fic but for now it just takes place in New Jersey. WARNING: the following may frighten some people, read at your own risk. and it might be weird or lame. Opinions appreciated.


Something in New Jersey isn't right. Much like a big storm tension in the air has been swelling up. Teenagers and Adults have been disappearing. Something has been lurking in the shadows along with the pools of blood it leaves behind. You'll be captured by his ghost like charms. But don't be fooled. He will pray upon you with his daggered teeth. Attacks, much like a starving wolf given a slab of meat. Thats as worthless as you are in his eyes. But he doesn't hunt on action like animals, his kills are premeditated. As much as your blood satisfies his thirst he does it more for the thrill of the game. A creature like no other. God have mercy on the soul who walks in his shadow. The people he has killed. And the girl he fell in love with. And the person who is reading the sad tragic tale of love, misfortune, death and everything else in between. 


Okay so its not the best into it sounded a lot better in my mind. 

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