Chapter 4: Drunk on pancakes drunk part 1

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Bonnie's POV.

Last night I fell asleep early.Today I am breaking the ice with Jeremy.I believe I deserve better.

"Jeremy."I said while knocking on the door.

A few seconds later I saw him open the door.He was a reck.His hair was all messed up and his eyes were all droopy.

"Yah Bon."he replied.

"We us don't work Jer I can't live like this with you."I confessed to him.

"So that's it we're broken up?"he asked me.

"Yes but it's for the best."I said while walking to the kitchen.Hopefully they have food.

When I got there I opened a cabinet.Pancake mix.They have pancake mix.

I take it out and look in the fridge to find milk and eggs.

"Elena, Care come down here!"I yelled at them.A few seconds later they were there.

"Is that?"Elena said pointing to the pancake mix and milk and eggs looking confused.

"Yup."I said smiling.

Caroline and Elena also grinned ear to ear.

"Let's make pancakes."Caroline hollered while jumping and smiling.

"Like when we were kids!"Elena verified.

"Yes."I say then we start.

"So what happened between you and Jeremy this morning?"Caroline asked me while she was stirring the batter.

"Nothing did you here anything?"I asked her.

"No but your my best friend Bonnie I know when things happen."Caroline stated.

"Well your radar must be off becouse nothing happened."I lied to her.

"Please Bonnie were your best friends yo can tell us anything."Elena told me.

"I broke up with Jeremy."I confessed.

"Hey guys what're you doing there?"Matt asked while walking into the kitchen.

"We're making pancakes like when we were little."I replied.

"Well you'll are doing it all wrong."Matt said with his good boy smirk.

"What do you mean?"Caroline asked him.

Then Matt looked through the cabinet and pulled out chocolate chips.

"How'd you find that?"Elena asked him.

"It's a skill."Matt said raising his eyebrow.

Then about 10 minutes later we were done mixing and about to shape the pancakes when...

"Burboun makes everything better darling."Kol remarked sending a smirk my direction.

"Pancakes Kol."I said a bit annoyed.

"Trust me on this one Bon-cake."Kol said.

"It's are vacation so LET'S GET DRUNK!!!"Elena said dancing around, opening the fridge and taking out the burboun.Then she poured about half in their then more powder.

"Elena!"Caroline screamed then laughed.

"We aren't kids anymore."Elena said then started making them.

"That's more like it."Kol said then walked out.

Elena's POV.

After we were done making the pancakes we walked to the dining room and saw everyone sitting there.

There was a reason I wanted to get drunk.My best friend is falling in love with someone who tried to kill me and Jer.

"Let's eat!"Caroline said then cut and stuffed all the pancakes in her mouth.

Then me and all the others did the same.

"You're right Kol theses are delicious!"I said before swallowing.

"My pleasure."he replied.

After eating everyone was drunk.Jeremy and Bonnie were already passed out.Matt was dancing around the room.Oh! Never mind that he's down.

Everyone else was just staring at their plates until.

"Lets go to the beach!"Caroline yelled standing up and waving her hands in the air.

"Your drunk love."Klaus said.

Klaus's POV.

"No I'm not!"Caroline said then crossed her arms.

"Caroline let me take you to your room."I said in a serious tone.

"Fine you cought me I'm drunk but"Caroline started then ran and came back with burboun-"so are you."she said pouring it in my mouth.

"Let's go to the beach."I yelled.Now I'm drunk.

"Perhaps we should all get ready."

Then we all whent to our rooms.

Once we got to the beach we turned on super loud music.

We were all dancing and that's when I saw Stefan grinding on Caroline my Caroline.

"What do you think your doing mate?"I ask drunk Stefan.

"Dancing with my wife."he stated.

"Look at the ring!"Caroline screamed and showed me her ring finger.On there I saw a ring pop watermelon flavered on their.

Then I automatically take the ring off her finger and licked it.

"Hey!"Caroline yelled at me.

"Elena klaus ate my wedding ring!!!"she yelled to the doppelgänger.

"Old habits die hard."I said to Caroline.

"What the hell does that mean!?"she asked back.

"Oh my god I remember when I was here!"Stefan realized.

"And when exactly was that?"she asked him.

"Remember when I was gone right when Elena and Damon first started dating?"he asked her.

"Yah."she replied.

Finally yes ripaaaaaahhhhh.

"I came here and became the ripper and I'm pretty sure we got married."he admitted embarrassed.

"Stephan!"Caroline yelled then threw sand at him.

"Those were not my best days."I said looking down.

"Shut up you love me."Stefan brought out in the open.

"Let's all just shut up and dance!"Rebekah screamed.

Then I started dancing with Caroline.Damon and Stephan with Rebekah and ooh!

Elijah POV.

"You're sexy when you're drunk."Elena said to me while we drunk danced.

"Actually your sexy all the time!i just never told you becouse I thought I had to choose between Stefan and Damon.But their better of without me.I'm in the way of their brotherhood."Elena corrected then swooped her hands under her hair and whipped it to the front.

"You'd be worth it."I said cupping her chin then danced once again.

This chapter was wild! But the next one will be even more crazy! Thank you for reading my story and helpfully commenting on it! I love all of you and hope you follow me. Bye,
Xoxo, Daniellathepotatoe

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