The Tomlinson Family

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The Tomlinson Family

Hey, my name is Isabella, but please don't call me that just call me "Izzy". I am the daughter of Louis and Yamelis Tomlinson. I am 16 years old and have dark brown hair like my mum and light blue eyes like my dad. I have a really big family. I have a older  brother named Jeremy Tomlinson, he is seventeen. He is literally so annoying but somehow all the girls fall for him and his friends. I have the cutest little sister who was born a couple days ago her name is Madison. So in total there 3 Tomlinson kids and don't even get me start on how much cousins I have on my dad side. I feel so sorry for Grandma and Grandpa Tommo. Oh and to top that off we have a pet bunny named Mr. Wiggles that we had to beg for and by we, I mean Jeremy, My dad, and I. Okay so now let me officially introduce you to myself. My biggest Inspiration is my Aunt Dede. She is an awesome actress. I want to be like her one day. I have four best friends who are Zendaya Malik, Melissa Horan, Kayla Payne, and Darcy Styles. We are all really close to each other but "Z" and I are the closest. I am always over her house because there are no crying babies.That and I'm also close to Zach we have been friends ever since me and "Z" been friends. I am what they call the "funny and random" one of the group. Ok so I think that's it yea so I have to finish getting ready for the Brit Music Awards. We have to be the in an hour for the red carpet and then we are all going out for dinner since we haven't seen each other because we all went on vacation. Also there is like 24 people who are going to be having dinner so we have to make our reservations on time. So yeah talk to you later

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