The Horan Family

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The Horan Family


Hey my name is Melissa Horan, but everyone calls me "Mel" for short. I am the daughter of Niall and Delicia Horan. I am 16 years old and have an annoying, twin brother named Michael. I have really light brown hair and I have the same color eyes as my dad which are blue. My hobbies are eating, sleeping, eating, hanging out with my friends, and playing guitar. My mum has to constantly go grocery shopping because everyone in this house loves to eat. My inspiration is my mum because she is an awesome cook. Literally everyone always comes to our house on Sundays to have my mum food. That and Auntie Dani is a horrid cook. Don't tell her I said that though. My other inspiration is my dad he is an awesome guitar player, he taught me everything I know. I am what they call Daddy's little princess even though I'm 16. I have four best friends Zendaya Malik, Isabella Tomlinson, Kayla Payne, and Darcy Styles. I love going to Auntie Mimi and Uncle Harry house because there is no little kids there. We have a pet dog named rebel and she is adorable. Everyday Zendaya, Kayla, and I walk our dogs and gossip. I am what they call the "cute and always eating" one of the group. I get along with everyone and usually when anyone spots me I'm always eating but the funny thing is I don't put any weight. Yea so That's it, right now we are all getting ready to go to the Brit Music Awards like we do every year with the 1D families, then we go out to dinner. So I should go now because we have to be there in like an hour and a half for the red carpet and knowing my family we have to eat before we get there so yea. See you when we get there.

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