"What are you doing up?" he asks quietly.

"Couldn't sleep," I reply before bringing the glass to my lips. He nods and I feel his eyes on me, but I refuse to look up. Did our moment mean  nothing to him. Of coarse it didn't. Harry brushes things like that off. He has after all had many more moments with other girls, that ended in ways that I want to puke thinking about.

Its just silence in the kitchen. No sound. Not even our breathing can be heard. I finally turn and put my glass in the sink and brush past Harry towards the bedroom. My feet pad across the hardwood floor until I make to his room where the floor is carpet.

"Harper..." Harry trails off. He's right behind me and I don't like the way he says my name. Like he pities me and he's about to let me down easy. I would be mortified if he did, so I act like I don't care when I turn to face him and raise my eyebrows as if to ask what.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" he asks. I'm obviously not going to say because he wasn't here to cuddle with me, so I say something I hope hurts him like he hurts me every time he sleeps with another girl.

"I'm just excited about my date with Chase tomorrow," I tell him with a smile. His jaw tenses and he looks like a little boy after their favorite toy has been broken.

"So your going on the date?" Harry asks his eyes dropping to the floor.

"Yeah. I am," is all I say before turning and walking the rest of the way to the bed. He follows me inside and closes the door behind him.

"I'm sorry," he says. I keep quiet, and he knows I know what he means. I crawl under the covers and slide over to my side. He strips down to his boxers and turns the light off and gets in the bed as well. Our backs are turned to each other and neither of us make an attempt to move closer to the other. I wish he would though. I really wish he would.

When I wake the sunlight is streaming through the window and beside me the bed is empty. I glance over at the clock to find it says 11:00 p.m. WHAT! I fly out from underneath the covers and scramble to find pants. Why the hell didn't Harry wake me up! How did I not hear the alarm clock? I leave Harry's shirt on not being bothered to find another one. I slip on some black toms and throw my hair into a messy bun. I snatch up my bag and fly out of the house sprinting all the way across campus to the Math and Science building. I practically throw the door open and everyone's eyes fall on me.

"Nice of you to join us Ms. Roberts," the professor says without even looking away from the board. I refuse to look at Harry. I am infuriated with him right now. He knows how much my grades mean to me. I slide into a desk far away from him, but not to far so he doesn't think I'm being dramatic. Plus the ones next to him have been taken by girls eager that I wasn't around. I take as many notes as possible and try to pay attention as best I can with the constant giggling coming from those girls next to Harry. I briskly rush out of the classroom hoping to avoid him. He hasn't even come out of the classroom yet by the time I'm out the doors of the building and headed to the next one. That class flies by a lot quicker than I hoped for. I didn't want to face Harry at lunch. Like at all. I hope that I do something like break my ankle on the way there that way I have and excuse to get out of it, but unfortunately that doesn't happen. I know that if I see him I'm going to end up yelling and so will he. We are already walking on thin ice because of the whole Chase thing and we don't need another fight.

I walk into lunch to find the inevitable. Harry is sitting with Lou and El, but something's different. There is a girl under Harry's arm. I don't care how mad Harry is at me, he shouldn't flaunt girls in my face. I know I'm missing his fight, but he is the one who can't get over his pride enough to tell me that he wants me to come. I put on my best 'I don't give a fuck' face and walk towards the small group.

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