Chapter 6

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"Welcome, Luke, this is Day 1 for you. Please hold out your arm." I did so, and he took out a knife, with a flame engraved on the handle of the blade, and he slashed at my arm. At first I felt nothing, and then my arm tenses, and burns, I hear my skin burn. It's excruciatingly painful, and I scream and writhe in pain. I look up at Nate, he isn't even blinking, infact he's smiling, he enjoys my pain. "Do you feel that Luke? Hm? Do ya?" Nate said, coming within two inches from my face. He grabbed my jaw and said, "get comfy, cuz there's a lot more pain for you tomorrow. Get some sleep, mortal. It's a long day for you tomorrow." The last thing I see is Nate locking and slamming the door, then darkness.

I never fell asleep that night, it was just me hoping that Autumn would come bust me out of this hell hole, it was horrible, I kept imagining them coming in and killing me, and torturing me. And in the morning Nate came in, with no weapons, nothing, and he was smiling. He knew he had all day to torture me until I begged for death.

"Good morning Luke!" Nate said excitedly. "Are you ready for today?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"No you don't, infact, you're forced to." Nate said,  "Oh Luke, you don't know what kinda fun you're gonna have today, lots and lots of fun." Nate said smiling, evilly. "Charles, bring Nigel in." Charles, assumingly, came in who was followed by a huge man, he looked like he could be the winner of a strongest man contest.

"I didn't know you had bigfoots working here Nate?" I say, trying to egg on Nate into making a mistake, but I quickly give up that strategy when Nigel kicks my face, and the chair breaks when I hit the ground, as well as breaking both my arms which were behind the chair, I wince in pain as my arms break with the chair. I lie on the floor face down, and this time Nate kicks me in the side and my a few of my ribs break as I hit the back wall. Again I wince in pain. Then Charles takes his turn, he picks me up, and punches my stomach, multiple times, and throws me to the ground. I cough up blood. Nate picks me back up, and punches me again. "Come on guys, I can do this all day." I say.

"Good cuz we can to," Nate says, and the day continues with all of them beating the absolute crap out of me, I would always lie that I was fine, until one point, on Nigel's final punch. His fist connects with my face, nearly unhinging my jaw, and the contact with the floor made my nose break again, yes it broke earlier, they fixed it, and started beating me again. This time, I hit the floor and blacked out.

I woke up to them tieing me up again this time to a metal chair, all the blood on my face had dried up, but I'm sure I still looked a like I'd just went to boxing practice as the punching bag, except with blood on my face, and a broken nose, and mulitple bruises on my face, and broken ribs, and arms. "Morning sleeping beauty!" exclaimed Nate, "aww, you look so sad."

"Maybe it's cuz," Nate cuts me off.

"No, no, no talking for you. Hold out your arm... oops, that's right you broke 'em, I'm surprised you can still move period with your broken ribs, I'm sure that's really painful, well, not nearly as painful as this is going to be, you see it's your fifth day here, you were passed out for four days straight, and guess what? No one has come to rescue you! You thought your precious Autumn would be here by now to brake you out of here, and you'd live happily ever after together. However sweet that may be, that's never going to happen, all angels are the same, they just want their powers, she doesn't care about you, don't you think she'd have been here by now? Don't you think so?! Wake up! To be with you she'd have to give up her immortality! And her wings! Do you honestly think she'd do that?! Really?! You are a child! You don't know what really matters in life, controlling everything, and living a good life! That's what matters you child!" Nate monologues to me.

"That's where you're wrong, the thing worth living for in life, is living life with the one you love, and she is that for me, and if you think that power is better than love, or friendship, than your the child, not me. I have a feeling she'll be here soon, and then you'll be the one in trouble angel boy. So do what you want to me, I don't care anymore. Just know, that you're the real child, and you're a power crazy f****** child!" It was the best I could come back with, I thought it was pretty good, but, Nate just grabbed my arm, and made five more marks on my left arm, he seemed to enjoy it much more than the first time. With each one I screamed more and more, and writhed and squirmed in pain. Then he threw my arm back to the chair, and tied it up.

"Good night mortal, see you in the morning." Nate said, and with that the door closed and locked. And I'm back in the black. Then suddenly, I hear a portal open behind me, and I feel a tug on the rope, and a whisper in my right ear, "Don't worry sweetie, I'm here now." Autumn has come to my rescue.

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