Chapter 2

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As I'm driving towards the restaurant, Autumn got more and more... anxious, to get there. I saw her fiddling with her hair, mumbling to herself, and then the dead give-away, a black figure flew by the car window, and she screamed while the figure grabbed her and... flew off with her? I tried stopping the car, but I swerved out of control and the car stopped in the woods.

When I got out, I saw the most incredible sight I've ever seen. Autumn, a bright light surrounding her, and she was fighting with a dark figure. And doing pretty well, he seemed to be out of rhythm, and competely enraged by the fact he was being beaten by a girl. It wasn't until I got closer that I saw what they were fighting with other than their fists. They were fighting with... wings, Autumn's were sandy colored, while the other one's, the guy's, were black, pitch-black. As I got even closer, I felt the stark contrast of the air between the two... whatever they were. Autumn's was inviting, warm, and well wonderful. While the other's was demonic, dark, and horrible. Then, something passed me, it felt like cloth as it rubbed pass the left side of my body. When it manifested, I saw it's wings unfurl, and then he spoke with a thunderous roar.

"Kenneth! Enough! Stop this childish brawl now!" and then the one, named Kenneth let go of Autumn, and pushed her to the ground.

"Whatever Nate, just havin' a little fun 'sall. You needta lighten up," Kenneth said, with a Scottish sounding accent.

"Well, well, Autumn, Autumn, Autumn. Welcome to Earth, the home of mortals and demons alike. You can bet which we are, I would hope you haven't forgotten Satan's Mercenaries completely." Nate says while others join him

"Dang right I haven't forgotten, that you killed my friends and my family!" Autumn yelled.

"They were mortals! God, you and you're love of mortals is digusting. You truly are a waste of wings and immortality. And I hear that you've been acquainting yourself with the mortal you oversee," he said, and Autumn sat up sharp, as if remembering that I was with her. "Run Luke, these guys are bad news. I don't know when we can see each other again. But, I'll be close by, always to protect you"

The thoughts rushed into my head like a waterfall, her thoughts, telepathy, immortality, wings. I think I'm going insane. I jumped in my car, started the ignition, and put it in drive. Wait, what am I doing? Autumn is in trouble, and I'm running? I have to do something... but what... I push down the accelerator and drive into the clearing with all the "angels" in it, and as I reach the clearing, I open the door and jump out of the car. The car hits one of them, and then the car explodes as it hits a tree. As chaos breaks out I grab Autumn and run like hell, or rather run from it.

Autumn's Tearsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें