Chapter 4

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Her plan was simple, change clothes, and walk out. Very simple, but, as far as I'm concerned not very effective. But, I trust her, and so I went along with it. "Now I'll walk out first, and with any luck, they'll follow me, and you, put this hoodie on and hide your face, if they see you they'll take you, and hurt you, and I don't want that to happen."

"I don't either, but if you think it'll work, I'll do it," I say, not convinced, but assured enough. "But, what about you? If they see you and go after you, you can't handle all of 'em. However many there are."

"Maybe not, but I can hold them off long enough for you to go and get help. Now, when you go out the front, you'll see a van, and there's a old friend of mine in there, he'll know you. So, yeah, van. Good luck sweetie," she says, and kisses my cheek (my heart stopped) then, she opens the door and the escape plan has begun. Still, a bit dazed from her lips gracing my cheek, I walk to the lobby, and go out the door. I flip my hood over my head, hiding my face, and I watch her walk into the street. I look around for anyone tailing her, but I see no one. So far, so good, now to find a van. I look and look but, see no van. But, as I'm looking for a van, I see Nate, and some of his buddies walking towards Autumn. She said she'd be ok, but, I can't just stay away, I have to warn her. So I run back into the hospital, and up the stairs to the top of the building.

I burst out the door, and onto the roof of the hospital, adrenaline pumping through my veins, I look for Autumn, and I see her followed by Nate and the others. I panic and look for a way to get to her to warn, or help her, and I see that the buildings are closer together than they look, and I decide to jump them to get to her. "This is insane" I thought to myself, but my adrenaline got the better of me, and I ran toward the edge of the building and jumped.

And I made it, and rolled onto the next building, then got up and kept doing it. I do this three more times and three buildings later, I've caught up with them, just as they catch up with her. They unfolded their wings, and crept towards her. She then, obviously knowing she had been followed, unfolded hers, and took out what look like a small knife, and she flew up in the air, the ground depressing where she took off. She landed behind one of Nate's pawns, put him in a choke-hold and stabbed him in the back, he fell to the floor, and she moved to the next guy. She was certanly handling herself quite well, dodging attacks here and there, dishing out damage when she could, mostly with her knife, but sometimes she would use her wings. She moved majestically, like an eagle, one that was armed with a knife, and two fists and feet, as she killed one, they disappeared in smoke, and then they'd show up a couple moments later, then it hit me they were immortal, if she could dismember a limb, possibly they couldn't come back with it, or at least they'd be weakened. So, I climbed down a ladder on the side of a building, and waited for an opening to strike. Then I saw one, as Autumn stabbed one, he reappeared right below me, and I jumped on top of him, as I fell my knee connected with his skull, shattering his skull like a watermelon. I grabbed as many weapons as I could from him, which consisted of knives, and a pistol, but no extra bullets, just six bullets, but they weren't like regular bullets. These were black, and they seemed heavier than normal bullets I'd held, I guess we'd find out what they did soon. Then, I took my next opening and went in for help. Unsheathing my knife, I jumped at one who appeared next to me. I slashed at his neck, and as I did, the blade lengthened into a full length sword. His neck severed, his blood splattered onto my clothes, and then the blade shortened to dagger length again. Interesting, I then threw a knife at one who was charging Autumn (who was still kicking butt, she had her blade out and was slashing, cutting, stabbing, and also using her wings as weapons to keep the seemingly endless enemies at bay) and as soon as the blade touched him, the blade warped the very space around him and he was gone, either even their weapons didn't work against them, or he was teleported through space. Whichever it was, it was one less guy to worry about. I then took out the pistol, it didn't look like anything I'd ever seen before, but any case I fired at a guy charging me, and the bullet hit him in the chest, and the bullet exploded in flames, and the guy vaporized in smoke. That's it! Fire, that's their weakness! All their weapons explode, because angels' immortality doesn't extend to fire! Knowing that I only had six bullets I now used the pistol as a bludgeoning weapon, as well as my knives. Then, there were only three left, Nate, and two of his lackeys. I was fighting off the ones that kept manifesting and I could tell Autumn knew something was up.

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