"Then you shouldn't have spent your money here! I don't frickin' wanna be with you! Not tonight, not tomorrow, not ever! In what language do I need to speak in order for you to understand?"

"I love you."

"Look, we already talked about that. You know I don't feel the same, okay?"

He didn't say anything else. Well, good. Maybe he finally got my drift.

I made a beeline for the bedroom door, getting ready to leave when he grabbed my forearm and yanked me back toward him.


He grabbed both sides of my face and kissed me. For a minute, I didn't know how to react. I felt frozen, glued to the floor. His kisses did nothing to turn me on; they felt clumsy and awkward. His lips weren't the ones I wanted to feel tonight. A little flame sparked from within me. I gained the strength to push him away.

"You think he can satisfy you, Erika?"

"That's none of your damn business."

"He tickles your fancy real good, doesn't he?"

"Go away and stay away."

"You aren't his."

"I mean it or I'm calling the cops. I really will," I threatened, walking back to the door.

"Where are you going? You can't leave me!"

He grabbed my wrist this time, pulling me again. I gasped as he shoved me and I flew back, landing on the bed roughly. I scrambled to get up before he could anything else but then he came on top of me, straddling me.

"If I can't have you, no one can!" he yelled, slapping me in the face. I drew in a stunned breath. The slap burned my right cheek, stinging as though a white-hot wire had been pressed on my skin. "He can't have you, Erika. You're mine."

His hands pawed at my dress. He tried to urge it off of me.

"Stop! Stop! What are you doing?! Leave me alone!" I cried.

Next thing I knew, my dress wasn't on anymore. He somehow managed to remove it. He started to run his hands down my sides, down my legs. Then he pulled my underwear down. I tried to get him off me but the harder I tried, the more resistant he became.

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