Introduction: "I-I'm pregnant..."

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Introduction: "I-I'm pregnant..."

"I'm home, liebe!" Gilbert shouts, as he walks into the house, his wispy white tail swishing behind him.

"I-I'm upstairs, Gil!" Matthew Williams shouts weakly to Gilbert.

Gilbert climbed the stairs, finding his love in the bathroom, sitting on the floor. His eyes looked red and puffy and his ears folded down on his head, leading Gilbert to realize he had been crying.

"Liebe, vhat's wrong?" He asked frantically, kneeling down to where Matthew is sitting.

"G-Gil... I-I'm pregnant..." He said shakily, looking straight into the albino's red eyes with his purple ones.

We Can Do This, Right? (A Hetalia FanFiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon