Chapter Two - Secret

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Ten minutes it took from the Coleson house to Markus' place, there was no cars on the road which made the travel a lot shorter, fortunately for Jesse, another minute in the car with Victoria and she would have thrown herself out of the moving vehicle.

And Jesse was the one driving.

Markus was already on the porch of his house when Jesse pulled up outside his house. He looked the same as he did all those months ago when Jesse saw him last, only a smile was on his face. He seemed happier.

Markus is a middle-aged man whom Jesse was best friends with his son many years ago. Markus lost his son when Jesse and he was twelve. Since then it has been hard for him to move on, after his wife left; Jesse was the only one who could help Markus move on. Fortunately, Markus has been getting better; starting work again as a consultant, instead of his previous medical profession.

Reaching the porch step, Jesse hugs Markus straight away. It had been several months since Jesse saw Markus last, it was good to catch up again.

Markus was thankful for everything Jesse had done over the years for him, both herself and her father; Thomas did what they could to stop Markus falling into depression and it seemed to have worked well. "How are you doing sweetheart?" his voice soft and gentle, exactly how Jesse remembered him to be, even though it had been a few months, Jesse sought comfort in Markus after the loss of her best friend.

"I am well Markus, how are you?" a breath of relief ran from her lips as Jesse was embraced.

"Getting better by the day" knowing exactly what she was referring to. And he was, slowly, it had been seven years since the loss of his son, and Jesse knew that in a few years it could all topple again as it will be ten years since the death of his son, but for now she was going to take one day at a time, and that's all either of them could ask for.

"So, this is Victoria?" raising an eyebrow, Markus looked at Jesse asking the silent question. Jesse nodded which made Markus chuckle. He figured it out the second Jesse requested the ultrasound machine the reason behind it.

Though Victoria was never mentioned in the phone call, Markus knew Jesse wouldn't be the one in need of the tech, and Jesse had previously spoken of her little sister's antics to Markus on her past visits, so when Jesse arrived with Victoria in tow, the thoughts that crossed his mind during the conversation was confirmed.

Markus holds out a hand for Victoria to shake, a professional habit he had from meeting patients many years ago.

Victoria was confused as to who this man was and why he was holding his hand out. Jesse noticed the confusion and cleared it up.

"Your meant to shake the hand when someone holds it out to you" her tone annoyed and sarcastic. Victoria never learnt any manners growing up, no matter how much their father tried to teach them, Jesse was the only one to catch on. Victoria took after their mother Elizabeth with looks, attitude and personality. Just like Elizabeth; Victoria had everything done her way or not at all.

Markus lead them into the house, "Go into the living room, I will just wash my hands and then we will begin".

Jesse lead Victoria into the living room, though she was cautious and reluctant to follow her big sister, "Who is this man?" her voice low and startling, "How do you know him?" "Where did he get this machine?" "Did he steal it?" all these questions slipped out of Victoria's mouth in one breath.

Jesse rolled her eyes, why would she take her sister to someone she didn't know or trust. "Just sit down will you and wait for Markus to get back". Jesse was tired. It had barely been an hour since finding out the news of her seventeen-year-old sister being pregnant and already, Jesse was ready to kill her, always moaning about a mistake she didn't mean to happen when she wasn't cautious in the first place, so the risk was high for Victoria getting pregnant as she wasn't careful during her antics.

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