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(a/n translations for what Finn says will be at the end of the chapter.)


We've got a plan, to say we are getting excited over not much was an understatement.

Amber and I were going to get Violet's account on our Instagram's and we will chat to this Danny guy as if we were her, if it all goes wrong this was Amber's idea. First of all we need to get access to her phone and she normally has it glued to her hand, but again we thought of this. 

"Can i borrow your phone?" I asked Vilou, looking up from my own.

"What's that you've got in your hand?" She asked sarcastically pointing at my phone.

"It's run out of juice and i need to call my mother..." I trail off knowing that Violet will believe me because i do have to ring my mother so often its annoying.

"Fine but if you uses up all my battery then i won't be happy." Violet said handing over her phone, i quickly nodded and stepped out side of the lockup to get 'privacy' for my call.

" 어머니 ." i started talking loudly so V thought i was on the phone. i instead went on her notes app, Violet was terrible at remembering things so she would always write down her passwords for things like the social medias in her notes. Luckily there it was, underneath her pin number.


Rose was Violet's mother and sadly she died on the fourteenth of May.

 I was still talking out loud as if on the phone with my mum, i spoke in Korean at home so i spoke it on the phone to my family as well. I saved her username and password to my notes and wrapped up my imaginary conversation. 

"나중에 보자 ."I said pretending to hang up.

"Thank you." I said throwing Violet her phone back and jumping onto my purple bean bag.

"It's okay" She said smiling at her phone like she missed it "did your mum have a go at you for not calling earlier?" She asked concerned, Violet may be a sassy idiot who has major emotional problems but she would always put everyone else first, and that was just another reason why i loved her.


The people who came up with 'home is where the heart is' have obviously never been to my house. My heart wants to be miles or even countries away from my house. Especially after last night, when i was so done with her i screamed at her through a door. I had been forced to live with her and conceal how i felt to my best abilities but if she tires to speak to me when i get back i will lose it, hopefully she will get the message and leave. Back to her shitty cottage in the middle of flipping no where!

I stuck my keys in the front door, wishing no one was home. I tried so hard to open the door without a sound, the house was silent, finally i thought. I kicked off my boots and hopped up the stairs like a rabbit, still hopping all the way until i landed face first on my bed. My phone lit up with notifications as soon as i connect to the WiFi, ninety percent of them was just Facebook, i had no texts off Danny, i shall change that i thought.

Me: Daniel how art thou??

Danny_Boi : I am good, you?

Me: Same, well kind of, not really...

Danny_Boi: Why what's up?? 

Me: it's just i want to leave, to discover the world and forget about my 'dad'

Danny_Boi: where would you want to go??

Me: idk anywhere and everywhere, hbu?

Danny_Boi: id love to but i can't afford it, but i know where you should go first.

Me: Where??

Danny_Boi: New York, come meet me and you can stay with us we have a spare room, i won't have school for ages so i can be your tour guide and then if you want you can move on from there?

Me: really?? You actually want to meet me?? I don't think your parents would like a complete stranger to stay with you 

Danny_Boi: They always say how i need to make more friends so i'm sure they will be fine with you staying.

Me: Are you sure, i mean you have only known me for a couple of months..

Danny_Boi: Yes i'm sure okay, now look into fly costs cause its's gonna happen.

I clicked out of the app and lay my now fully charged phone on my bed. I had a plan, something that i hadn't had for a while in my life. At least now i knew where i was going to travel to, where i would stay all of those things that worried me originally, but that was all gone thanks to some american boy...


The plane was on the news, like local news not international or shit. It was on there because of our art, people claimed that that it was making our neighborhood look tacky whereas other people where saying it brought new life and color to the city. After i watched the segment about it Noah texted me to ask if i saw it, he thought we should own up. HELL NO! if i said i did it then i'd be in the back of a cop car in no time. Not somewhere i ever want to be again, especially if Violet was coming to stay. 

Mother has agreed that Violet can stay, she out of all my family understand that internet friends are special and are actual friends not just random people you speak to online. She hasn't told Dad yet, she will once the plans are sorted and stuff. It's too early to get him worried about meeting new people and crap. He's not good with people, that's where i get my terrible social skills from, whereas my mother is the most confident person i know, i always wonder how my dad started talking to her let alone date her and marry her. He's never told me his secret, it was Rohypnol probably.... joking!! 



어머니 which is pronounced like  eomeoni means: Mother or Mum.

나중에 보자 which is pronounced like najung-e boja means: See you later or see you soon.

I have made sure that these are as closely translated as possible if they aren't or i'm missing something please feel free to tell me.

also i updated again! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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