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".... And we're done." Noah called lifting his finger off the spray can. Seven and a half hours later and we had successfully covered a plane in spray paint, our art work.

"Don't you mean your done, I finished my half a while ago" I laughed pointing at my simple design on my half of the once plain plane. While Noah was completing his section I ate all the doughnuts and after that got bored again, so I decided to direct message Violet.

Me: Hey Vilou, what's up?

Me: don't be smart and say the sky... Or the clouds :)

Me: okay don't reply it's fine, I'm just gonna DM you later

Me: I'm actually worried you always reply straight away??

Me: if you've been kidnapped send me an emoji...

Me: so no reply definitely means you have been killed

Me: or I'm annoying you, sorry I'll go

Me: have fun, DM me when you can

I didn't try again, there must be a reason that she wasn't replying. I wasn't over reacting was I ? I mean I had known her for a month or so and we had grown close, she would normally reply immediately. Or at least tell me she was going out somewhere or doing something, was I panicking over nothing?


Finn likes Amber. I've known this for pretty much our entire friendship. He likes her in a way that is almost scary, so much and so strongly that he's stuck. Not in something called the friend zone but something almost worse, the zone which breaks my heart to watch some times.

Amber likes Finn. But it's different, a different like to what Finn feels, it's complicated is what she tells me. I can't describe it because there are no words to say how they are, it's strange but then again I don't think either of them would change it for the world.

Neither of them knew about Daniel, until now.....

"Woah, V this dude is DMing you constantly, has he got some kind of problem??" Amber asked after scrolling through my notifications. I grabbed the phone off her unlocking it to read the texts he sent.

"Umm... not really, he's kind of my new friend, from New York, we've been talking for a month or so." I said slipping from my second beer.

"Talking, huh?? So are you talking or talking??" Finn asked rearranging his bean bag in the corner.

"At the moment just talking." I sighed. Finn and Amber looked at each other, it was the look of mischief.

"No!" I said looking between them "you two are not getting involved."

"Oh please!" They begged "at least just let us follow him on Instagram?" I sighed again, showing them his account. I was going to regret this and I knew it.


@kickmeclifford and @flipthefinn are now following you.

No idea who they were but I followed both of them back, as I do with pretty much everyone. I looked at both of their profiles and found group pictures of Violet, I liked the ones with her in, I didn't bother with the rest. They must be friends with her or something, I was scrolling back to the top of the Finn persons page when I saw a group pic I haven't liked yet. I clicked on it, scanned the photo to find Violet, she was embraced in a backwards hug by this Finn guy. They were both beaming, I didn't like it, instead I swiped out of it closing the app all together.

"DANIEL!" Noah called in front of my face, he was dribbling on about some girl at school, he waved his hand in front of my face to make sure I was listening this time.

"Yeah? I asked, he stared at me again as if waiting for an answer.

"What should I do?" Noah asked again sounding impatient.

"Tell her you like her, she obviously likes you and just go for it otherwise you'll regret it and never forgive yourself." I said looking back down at my phone. Noah just huffed as if to say 'why didn't I think of that'.

"Do you mind if you take a couple of photos of me on my board?" I nudge Noah, he agreed immediately.

"They don't called me Noah Photography Genius Henley for nothing." He called running down the stairs from his room.

"No one calls you that!" I shouted after him.


"Vilou, it's late why are you back late?" My father said as I stepped one foot in the front door.

"I was with Amber and Finn." I replied, my dad doesn't know about the lockup and I would very much like to keep it that way.

"Why do you smell like smoke? Please tell me you haven't been smoking again, we spoke about this Violet." He began.

"No, you spoke about it I didn't listen." I responded.

"Why won't you understand that it's bad for your health, it takes years off your life." He started again.

"Good." I huffed and jogged upstairs to my room, locking the door behind me. I jumped on my bed, it was my favourite thing in this household. Rolling over I plugged my dead phone into the charger and opened Instagram.

28 likes and four new followers

So all in all a good day for my account today then, I saw Danny posted a new photo, I liked it. It was a photo of him on his skateboard that he told me so much about. I think he even named it, I was racking my brains trying to find the name of his board when Auntie Cath knocked on my door.

"Vilou honey, can we talk?" She asked there was something in her voice which meant she knew the answer.

"No." I shouted back making sure she heard me.

"It's about you smoking and drinking darling it's important." She probed again.

"No." I shouted back.

"Fine but if you use it to harm yourself then we will have trouble!" Auntie Catherine yelled.

"Why the fucking hell do you think I do it then?" I yelled back having none of her shit. She was doing it again, trying to be my dead mother.


two updates in one evening ooooh lucky you 😂

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