First Day

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"Sir. Sir. Sir, wake up, sir."
Otto blinked open his eyes. The overhead lights blinded him instantly and he quickly shut them tight again.
" you mean, empty...?", he spoke drowsily.
Otto winced at the poke he received on his side. He quickly sat up and groaned.
"What?!", he snapped, turning to whoever had poked him.
It was a small brunette girl. She was dressed in the official assistant's uniform, complete with the purple sweatband.
She squeaked in surprise and quickly stepped away.
"I'm sorry! I had to wake you, sir! Please don't force me to make staples by hand!", she spoke quickly, looking down at the carpet in shame.
Otto furrowed his eyebrows. He looked around him.
He was inside the Director's office, (or rather, his office) seated on one of the plush, purple sofas.
He turned back to the girl.
"I'm not going to make you...make staples? Did...did I sleep here?", he asked, still drowsy.
The girl looked up cautiously and nodded.
"We found you asleep on the couch after the party so we just left you there.", she answered carefully.
Otto frowned. He couldn't remember very much. Except the fact that he had eaten around sixteen brownies.
He stood up, yawned and rubbed at his eyes with his palms.
"Huh.", he said simply.
The girl stood up hastily.
"Oh! I'm Okalani, your assistant.", she introduced herself with a curt bow.
Otto narrowed his eyes.
"Nice to meet you. But really, what's with the bowing?"
Okalani looked up, eyes wide in surprise.
"It's a sign of respect for the Director! Mr. O always expected everyone to bow in his presence!"
"Not this Mr. O. Seriously, Orville's gone. You don't have to worry about that anymore."
Okalani furrowed her eyebrows in contemplation.
Just then, a purple sphere rolled into the tube platform stationed in the far left corner of the room. The sphere split open to reveal Olive, clad in her new uniform.
She stepped off the platform and strode into the room but stopped short upon seeing Otto.
"Well! Someone got here early! Morning, Otto.", she smiled.
Otto nodded.
"Morning. But, nah. I stayed here overnight, or so I'm told."
Olive frowned.
"It is true, Ms. O.", Okalani piped up.
Olive shook her head and set her bag down on the desk.
- - - - - - - - - -
"Sixteen brownies? How'd you manage that?", Olive chuckled as she reclined against her new large swivel chair.
Otto, seated on the large chair opposite hers, sighed and placed a hand over his mouth. The mere thought of the treat made him sick.
"I don't know. I just kinda put them in my mouth, one after another. And then washed it down with fruit punch.", he replied, shuddering.
Olive held back a laugh.
Then at that moment, a short boy, clad in the break room uniform, walked into the office. He balanced two trays of food on either hand.
"Good morning, Ms. and Mr. O.", he greeted as he neared their desk.
"Morning...Orion, right?", Otto greeted back.
The boy nodded and set down the trays before the two.
"Thank You. Hey, is this a usual thing here?", Olive asked, "Bringing meals to the Director?"
Orion nodded.
"Orville was living the life here! Bet he's gonna miss all this.", Otto smiled at Olive.
But the girl did not return the gesture. She frowned.
"This...doesn't seem right.", she replied after a few seconds, "All the bowing, and crazy fancy treatment and what not..."
She turned to Orion.
"Orion? Um...thank you very much. But from now on, you no longer have to bring out food directly to us."
The short boy gasped.
"B-But Ms. O! That's-"
"Its okay! Otto and I can just go down to the break room and get our own stuff. Alright?"
Orion frowned. But after a few moments, nodded his head in understanding.
"Yes, Ms. O.", he replied solemnly before turning to leave.
Otto, who was already digging into his breakfast of pancakes, stopped and gawked at Olive.
"Why'd you do that?", he asked incredulously.
Olive rolled her eyes and reached for the apple on her tray.
"Otto! Don't you see? Orville has gotten everyone used to thinking he was more important than everyone else!"
Otto chewed slowly and swallowed.
"But...he was Mr. O. He oversaw all operations and missions and stuff.
He was important to the Squad..."
"Important in that sense, yes. But he was not more important or special than everyone else here. There's no reason why he had to be treated like a king! Odd Squad is all about teamwork and equality. I'm not having our Squad run like that! Things are definitely going to have to change around here...", Olive finished at last, reclining against her chair and taking a large bite of her apple.
Otto paused and stared at her, fork held in mid air.
"Oh, wow. I feel so inspired right now.", he said at last.
"What, because of what I said?", Olive asked.
Otto set his plate of pancakes aside and stood up.
"Yeah! I mean, wow! We have our own Odd Squad now. We have a chance to do something great! A chance to make, you know, a difference in something! And if that something is changing the attitudes of the guys here and getting them pumped up for fighting odd, then, yeah! Let's do it!"
Olive looked up at him and smiled.
"Let's do it, partner."
- - - - - - - - -
"Top of the morning, folks. This is Mr. O speaking. I'd like to first start off by thanking everyone for the welcoming party last night. Shoutout to our head of the break room, Orion, for his crazy good brownies. And a big shoutout to that one kid who added some of Soundcheck's greatest hits to the playlist an-"
Olive sighed and pulled the megaphone from Otto's hands. She focused on the crowd of agents gathered on the main floor below.
"Good Morning, agents! It's-um-great being here today. As you all probably already know, today is our official first day in office. From here on out, we promise to serve this Squad with dignity and loyalty and to bring us all to victory in the daily fight against odd! As a team, we can all-"
There was a sudden loud ringing behind them.
"Phone, Mr. and Ms. O!", Okalani called out from within the office.
Otto sprinted inside the office.
"I'll get it!", he shouted.
Olive sighed and turned back to the crowd.
"As I was saying, as a team, we can all stand in the spotlight of success. And while there are no reports of oddness coming in just yet, I expect you all to be ready to step in and give it all you've got! For Odd Squad!"
The agents erupted into applause and cheers.
Olive let out a deep breath, feeling pride surge within her. She had motivated her agents, just as she had planned to.
She neared the megaphone to her lips once more.
"Thank you! Now if you'll excuse me."
She stepped off the platform and made her way into her office.
Otto stood behind the desk, holding the purple phone to his ear.
He cupped a hand over the receiver and turned towards Olive.
"Its Ms. O!", he whispered.
- - - - - - - - -

Thank you for reading!
Now, just to clear stuff up.
Orville isn't really featured in the show (Only once in The Jackies and briefly in O is not for Over)
But in the Jackies episode, he kind of gave me the impression of a pompous, bossy kid so I'm sort of portraying him like that in here.
(that's just my opinion.)
Anywho, thanks again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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